Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Life Lessons

Life Lessons:
-your never too old for swings.
-your never too old to go on the slide
-if you go down the twisty one you may gravitate more to the side witht the ridge.
-the park is always better at night
-hot dog buns are delicious.
-chocolate is usually good no matter what.
-children over the age of five and under the age of thirteen are usually annoying beyond all mesaure.
-you'll have more fun if your with a friend.
-hugging is key
-the ladder get's narrower at the top
-math is usually a depressing subject, and one english majors may not understand(me)
-water is nice at any time
-clingy girlfriends are hard to let go of..
-the swings are scary when they start to creek.
-cold bannana is good.
-Anne makes me laugh
-Jerome is a robo dwarf hampster
-go down the slide on your back, it's a whole new experience.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Which is it?

Here's what i heard: if you want something bad enough, you'll get it. Opposed to that there is also this other quote: ? The more you want it, the less likely you are to get it. 
So my question is: what is the way to go.. for years(more like one) i've wished that i my would be lover would saunter he's nice looking ass my way. But here is someone else telling me something difference that would makes sense. i've wanted alot of things and when i really want it i get something different. Example three weeks ago i  was looking for these two sweaters that i had lost like two months ago. A week later i lost my camera cable. However that same day i found my sweater. So what i have to so now is look for something else so that i can find my camera cable.  
I guess it goes like this: you never find what your looking for, until you find the first thing that made you lose it in the first place.  so what i have to do is just let life take me and jsut go with its flow, after all isn't that how it happens you always find (i know it sounds cliched) what your looking for when you least expected? So now what i plan to do is to look for something else, and maybe i'll get my camera and a little something more

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Off to Clairmont

Let me tell you a story: (the following is a true story)
She lay crying in her bed. she was sad alone and afraid of the future that loomed ahead. her necies were coming on Sunday she knew she had to pull herself together, her oldest neice her favorite, would see through the facade, but it was worth a try. she cried, until she fell asleep. in the morning she woke up and decided to take the dog on a walk around the condo. she found another rose.. when would he get it. when would he stop sending her the damn flowers?
he loved her and she knew that. but she had fallen out of love, she was angry and disillusioned.her heart was in million tiny pieces and secretly she knew she wasn't exactly as sane as she once was. March had proved to be a crazy month. she had walked out on her ten year marriage, to a man who had the emotionss of a rock and the mouth like a politician. it took her thirty minutes to pack all the belonging she had gathered in her ten years of marriage. mainly because her stuff was still in the same boxes they had been in since they had moved in the house. the house of her dreams. just not the man of her dreams. her life had gone ary, where was she. people had said she changed. she had lost her esscence. she had lost herself on the rocky road of her marriage. yet here she was,, wishing that she wasn't alone. she believed in love. but was anybody out there that would love her? she wondered,what had she done to deserve this hot mess of a life. imagine. a fourth grade teacher, a soon to be divorced fourth grade teacher. she wanted to love again she wanted to remember a time when she was happy with no worries.. Here she stands with her head in her hands and her body resting on me. i hug her and i tell her it's ok that i will always be there for her. i tell her that, though she will feel alone and she will feel scared that she must go through with her decision.that she must for her own sanity, leave him forever. i hold her until she sleeps and i make myself coffee.. i wish she could go though this painful process alone. i wish the flowers away.. i go to sleep and when i wake up i wish the flowers away..