Monday, April 13, 2009

Which is it?

Here's what i heard: if you want something bad enough, you'll get it. Opposed to that there is also this other quote: ? The more you want it, the less likely you are to get it. 
So my question is: what is the way to go.. for years(more like one) i've wished that i my would be lover would saunter he's nice looking ass my way. But here is someone else telling me something difference that would makes sense. i've wanted alot of things and when i really want it i get something different. Example three weeks ago i  was looking for these two sweaters that i had lost like two months ago. A week later i lost my camera cable. However that same day i found my sweater. So what i have to so now is look for something else so that i can find my camera cable.  
I guess it goes like this: you never find what your looking for, until you find the first thing that made you lose it in the first place.  so what i have to do is just let life take me and jsut go with its flow, after all isn't that how it happens you always find (i know it sounds cliched) what your looking for when you least expected? So now what i plan to do is to look for something else, and maybe i'll get my camera and a little something more

1 comment:

Nella said...

i so agree...i wish and pray for something but somehow the one you want the most is the hardest to come to you...that's life for you!