Monday, October 3, 2011


Picture this with me:
A young girl walks down a path, she is just a fair maiden who ran away from all that in her world threatened her very existence. Wearing her down slowly but surely, so she took to the hills and with her only carried a small shield and a tiny sword. On she walked, she knew that a couple of days walk from her kingdom was a place named Oblivion, there she could be happy at last, she was sure of it. As twilight approached she knew she had to start looking for a place to spend the night. She found a cave not to far and even though it stunk of sulfur, she thought the smell was a small price to pay considering the evil in the world. Little did the girl know it was a Dragon's chambers. The dragon had gone to feast and the girl was sound asleep when it lumbered, drunk and gorged on blood and flesh. The girl awoke with a start and groped in the dark for her shield. The dragon already bloated still wanted more, its gluttonous nature deferred, the dragon opened its mouth and let out a spew of hot fire and the girl only hid behind her shield, how long could the shield last against the dragon she couldn't say and didn't want to find out. All she knew was that she had to fight the dragon, like she needed to fight every other thing in her life. A tiny spark flew on her dress and instantly began to consume the material. She rolled around to put out and the Dragon with drunk eyes tried to follow her. She had every intention of just lying there and somehow she thought of all that could be avoided by just simply letting go, but she also thouht about all she had had to go through and how far she had gotten. She got up a bit burned but otherwise unscathed and charged the dragon swerving, to the left to the right and then she tried to ram the shield in its neck she was going to kill this dragon and with it all that life had unwillingly served her. All the injustices, all the loss and all the pain . She brought forth all that rage and threw the shield, it cut somewhere between the scales and through the neck but not all the way. she rammed her sword down the head of the dragon and it came out of the mouth. just like that she had single handed killed the dragon. She pulled her sword and cut the dragons belly, a stench filled the air and she ignored it, she had to get the heart. she reached deep in to the beasts rib cage and pulled the heart out with the help of her sword. Soon she had a fire going and she cooked it, they said that the only way to truly beat your enemy was to make sure no memory of them existed, and the only memory that would exist now would be in her and all would call her Dragonslayer.

not a story i'm working on, just some issues in my life that suck so if my character can slay the dragon i can sure as hell slay my issues right?

1 comment:

Bobby said...

Oh yes, and I'll help you slay them, like Xena and Gabrielle. Without the awkward lesbian moments. =]