Tuesday, November 11, 2008


i didn't my first blog so this a continuation. so were was i? oh yeah the crazy dude... well know u now what i have to sort of put up with. and i don't get it, whenever he's around me he hardly talks, he tottaly ignores me sort of, i see hime stealing glnaces and that's worse than actually talking to me because i feel watched. worse yet whenever i'm not around he talks to my friends (we have mutual friends) all about me as if he knows me.. according to my lovely asian he's always talking about me so that my friends(and their friends) anne u know what i mean, get bored about hearing about me... so 27 yr old, no job, dosen't go to school, and then some.. yeah no.. so i came up witha master plan as me and asian like to call it "the blond asian master plan to get rid of the creppy old dude" ok maybe i exaggerated with the creepy old guy but you catch my drift. so asian asked one of her friends, who coincedentaly i like (alot) if he would be my internet boyfriend... wiffey says this is good becuase i know fianlly have the guts to tell him that i like him, subtely but surely i will ask him on a date, it's a little like a love triangle only that one person is in love, one wants another ,but dosne't love him, and the other is perfectly clueless.. get it? good! not only am i discouraging the other guy i am also making the moves on the other guy h=who is my age cute and quite and shy and tottaly my type he's funny and he lives in a cage(over protective parents) and he babysit we could do it together. *sighs* yeah i like him... oh well .. the main goal however is to discourage the first guy... that's the goal... yeah.. i'm such a fucking bussy bee no? so whenever i see people and they ask how's life? or my fav.. how's your love life? let's just say i live life with hand tied and a open mind, love life, unwillig chastity belt that can come off anytime.. =]
yes friends a horndog am i... or so says wiffey... that whore.. i love her.... sort of anyway....
ahhh... life, love, friends, age, music, tv......i love it all,... maybe cuz i'm listening to coldplay?
moody me? yes yes i am...
in any case if the grand master plan fails i always have a backup plan,, it's called "pretending i have a lesbian lover" dman i love pink yes asina i am listening to pink's "so what" hhaha i love's it! so now u know my predicament.. it's messy my life and yes i'm used to it.. but i can say this i cna't wait to leave this place, but school comes first.. once i can drive i'll see where i go from there... asian said she would come today, she might come becasue i promised to help her with the props.. song's finished so i'm going now.. going....... going............ gone.

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