Monday, November 9, 2009

I laugh at her lies

Ask anyone of the boys i beat up in middle school i was the Queen B. By B i mean Bitch and no I am not ashamed or angry or whatever about being a Bitch. I've grown fond of the nickname. Anyway the thing is, I did get tired of having drama because my bitchy side could not lose an argument (and if so I beat the other person) so I learned to tame my bitch. For a long time she has lain dormant inside of me. I know she is just waiting for an opportunity to pounce and become destructive. So when i found out that one of my so called best friends had been lying to me for months I lost the battle and my inner bitch took control.. I haven't seen this so called friend in a while but when i do it won't be pretty. For you see i'm not the kinda of girl to take peoples shit. I'll warn you once and that's all you'll get and once your on my shit list i will hunt you down.. The worst part is I was acustumed to being made fun of in middle school so I was always ready for a comeback.. i could always burn the other person out. If they called me kirby i would call them (one example of a boy who made fun of me however never took a shower) i said " bitch i may be kirby but u smell like u've never touched shampoo in ur whole entire life, i may be fat but at least i'm not smelly" he lost self -esteem points. i slept like a baby that night. My point is, this girl needs to watch it.. if he keeps lying to me and telling me that she is still dating this one dude i will laugh at her wait till she is hapy in her so called relationship and laugh at her face, she'll ask what's so funny and i'll say "you sad pathetic low-life, u lied to me, expected me to believe you, and i laugh because i know how he truly feels, he hates you.. i laugh at the lies you have to say to make yourself seem like this all important slut, but your nothing more than dirt on my shoe" ... mean, she asked for it..
The bitch is back, with claws out, and she is ready to rip your insides....