Wednesday, January 27, 2010

2010, the start of a brilliant year!

2010 2010, oh what an amazing January. So i start the year with a lot of adventures under my belt it is February now and tommorrow is Valentine's. I got my computer fixed and i started school. Say hello to the new studious me. However there were some things that transpired that i should inform the audience about. Well in the first week of January Fatty Patty whom i have talked about did something not so nice. in fact the post "i laugh at her lies." is about what she has done. You see for years i thought she was a very good friend of mine. She made me laugh and through many parties was my avid dance partner. However she has shut me out of her life. Cyberly she has deleted me. In church she has ignored me. I am done with this girl i was so overwhelmed when i found out she had deleted me. I didn't know what to think. I asked Nannie, she said why was i surprised, I didn't know how to answer her. But moving on, Januray also became the month that i spent less time at home. I spent two weeks in Clairmont and one er half at Riverside with Nannie. We went out every weekend. Mostly to the Denny's to have late night dinners. We travelled the streets of LA. We drove through Hollywood more times than anybody should. Bertha, went to Berkely i miss her. She made Sundays awesome. Nannie and David are going strong and i can't imagine her with the "F" word even though i was present for a year of it. David might be oblivious to the mainly obvious..(and he calls me ditzy) but he can read Nannie very well and is in touch with her feelings, as corny as it sounds. Fenela, finally came around. Everything is as it should be. Although i am starting to believe that i should reconnect with some of my other friends, i fail to do so. i have also discovered thriough many months of hard intense labor. ok just kidding. that i believe my aunt is having an affair witha married man. i think she believes she is lying to me, but no, i have always said that i am more observant than i seem. In any case, there is more. I found alot about myself, i can't keep a promise to myself, i don't neccessaraily know what i want half the time and lack of food makes me dumb. January was amazing.
Febuary 02/08/10
the first day of school i had
music 101: learning to read music
Eng 206: english literature, romantcism, the victorian age, and englitenment periods.
Eng 204: world literature, volume two
Sociology: because i have too, study of human cultures in groups and such
Math 115: elementary algebra
and last but not least:
Eng 127: creative writing.
i looooove my eng classes.. i swear we eng. majors we move in packs
however i was not to fond of my music class so i dropped it. let me also say that i know at least one person in each of my classes even 127.
i know many in math in sociology and well i even knew people in my music class..
it is going to be a hectic semester but i am willing to make it a damn good one wish me luck .


Nella said...

we'll make it. i know it. :)

anne blogs said...

lol derecha! damn i feel like we've done soooo much already and the year just basically started! it's uhm-azz-iinnnggg lol :) i love you blondie