Monday, March 8, 2010

Feburary Madness,.. so i start the school year in a flury of anticipation, i know what i am doing, i know what i want and mostly i like how things are going, what could change is my grade in my math class, although improved from the last time i took this stupid math course, it isn't an "A" which is what i freaking want more than anything. i want for myself to be able to pass math and just move on with my life. Now what i have learned for sure about myself this month is that i am not as strong willed as i thought i was and that i can no longer pull an all-nighter i used to be able to stay fully awake and write a paper and still have energy, but now has age interrferred? i can no longer stay awake till two writng a paper? not even a 200 word paper. i worry about myself.

my life now, is a little bit drastic, things are different, of course i still love the same people, but now i also find myself missing them more. i miss Nannie, because we used to see each other every single day of the week, i miss Bertha because sundays i now have nothing to look forward too. i miss Jasmine because although we were on break in our so called marriage. lol annalment? we have re-kindled our i miss Fenela i miss her wise counsel and picking that girl at the train station, i miss David and even though he lives close it's still a hassel to go out besides, he makes me miss Nannie even more. oh March the only good thing about you is that by the end my besties will be ever so much closer. i predict that by the end of march i will be a much happier person. March has been hectic. i mean too much for me. i have only just settled into my slow routine class wise. i have been outthere, on the subject. let me just point out that the March 4,2010 education rally was not what i had expected. let me tell you my experience and how profoundly annoyed i was with the whole thing.

so i go to this rally, because it is a class assignment. i wanted to go home and it seemed like a sign from the gods that i should because my professor let us out early. but alas i went to this rally for i had never been in a real rally before. (i know this coming from a perosn that has lived in L.A. her whole life.) Anyway so i go to this rally expecting so much. for starters the train got stuck, they were congested, there was traffic in the underground!!! then we got of ( i was accompanied by two classmates.) there was a fantastic energy in the air, everyone was excited and ready to make this peaceful rally work. well i was marching the street for a good half hour, when me and a classmate decided to investigate this table, for our prospective good interviees. however a tall gentlemen (and that is all i will say about him) started knkocing thier work table because they hada picture of president Obama with a hitler mustache. well he also started hitting people and that was when someone called the cops. Well the cops were doing thier job which was to protect the mases of peaceful ralliers.

1 comment:

anne blogs said...

just a lil bit more lover!!!!