Monday, March 21, 2011

my archangels

can i just say short post and a toast to my fabulous friends:
Jasmine a.k.a Wifey: my dear who makes me waffles, hears me out and reminds me that there is true friendship, baby i'm yours forever=]
Barbie: barbarella to my shtrudel! my liteary critic i owe my future success to you=] thanks for picking up the fallen bits of me and gluing me together with the pinky raised
Faika: the best person on this planet, dude fuck what anyone thinks, let me remind you, your the best that ever lived.
and lastly to Joana who will probably never read this but who i owe my sanity too! joana if you someday read this, i could never live far away from you, it would suck! my existence would suck!
and too Bertha: you opened my eyes and love me and what i represent ur more than a friend your family
thank you and have a nice day =]

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