Monday, January 16, 2012

The Golden Globes Fashion

So, this Sunday was awards week over in HOLLYWOOD. This is like every fashionistas Christmas, of course we all love the awards show blah, blah, blah. But what really gets me going is the red carpet. This weekend  I positioned myself in my comfy blue couch, my notepad, diet coke and my kettle cooked chips on the ready as I jotted down what I believed to be the best and worst of the night and later compare them to the Fashion Police Monday night on E!.  Let me tell you right now that the big thing was nudes and blush colored gowns… it’s pretty but considering that it’s the time you want to pop nudes without sparkles … let’s not.  Although some really rocked it like, my favorite of the whole event Charlize Theron, she looked fucking gorgeous, in second place was Resse Witherspoon, who went from girl-next door cuteness too fucking va-va voom status. The reason I picked Charlize was mainly because she made that dress, which I had some problems with, look like it was perfect.  
Charlize Theron

Reese Witherspoon

The worst of the night in my opinion was Lea Michele. I have huge problems with this girls posing, she goes out of the way to like stick her huge shoulder out and make herself kind of concave so her butt is comically out, it’s like shes trying to get the JLO butt , yet everyone can see that girl you just don’t have that ass.. who you lying too girl!! Also she couldn’t pull the dress off, it was way too, “I’m- a -sexy -tv -star –that- needs- to –be- taken- more -seriously” kind  of look. Sarah Michelle Gellar you were the fashion icon of the 90's, wth? This is what happens when you let your young under the age of five daughter pick your dress. Don't let this happen to you again.  Those were the worst of the night. 

Lea Michele and her fucking shoulder ....brrr

Sarah Michelle Gellar

Angelina Jolie looked fucking beautiful, hate her. Evan Rachel Wood, whose fashion choices I usually attempt to defend, damn she let me down so bad so no more of her and I think that both Tilda Swinton and Nicole Kidman made valiant and decent choices, so to the next award and show and to more celebrity dress bashing time. Although seriously, I want to see them do better I know they can, stay true to your sense of fashion and you will undoubtedly be able to be like Angelina,  you can wear practically anything and never be worst dressed nominee.. leave it to Lea Michele. 

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