Thursday, February 14, 2013

Evie's Knight

Evie's Knight 

The plot is about Evie a smart, intelligent girl whith mommy and abandonment issues who falls for the hottest guy Calvin Knight. So teen i know. He is cursed and doesn't know it although he suspects. They develop a very unhealthy relationship in which they rely heavily on each other. Things get really complicated when the reaven haired ghost that cursed them comes back for Evie and for revenge.
Bitch Please!
The book is so junior high but the languag is nice, this is probably the saving grace. The author can write just not make cohesive plots or maybe i'm just too old for this book. The ideas are almost unfinsihed and you could tell she didn't bother to research anything. She wanted to creat this world, have it be enitrely her own, but the truth is that every original idea is based on an imprinted idea imbedded somewhere in your subconcious. That being said I can't say i didn't enjoy the book because I did and i'm going to wait for this author to wrtie Erotica, because that could be a best-seller series. I read it because I got it for free, if thats the way your going to read it fine, but if your going to pay, check it out at the library.

The reading fiend is back ...

So I haven't had internet at my house again, *sigh* hate the phone companies but anyways, I am back at school and this problem should right itself, I know i havent posted the SAG or the Grammy fashion blast pics but i will and thats next week before the christmas of my fashion season shall arrive, yes the Oscars.

But before all that I have to mention i got a kindle: why is this important, i'll tell you why, i get free books.
Knowning how voraciously i devour books you should all know that i will try to keep reviews on all the books i read this year. Last year i did about a fourth if that and this year I got a lot of new books so hopefully I have more to do. I just finished one so will post up the review. Excuse the material some is really easy because its for popular media and it is juvenile.

So watch out the commnecment of a good year.