Friday, September 19, 2008

i'm in for a long night... damn

this is one of those nights where i take everything in my life into perspective, think of the good things think of the bad think of the not so great, think of the gratest, think of the maybes think of the -i -can't- believe -i -did-that ... those kinds of thoughts. Especially right now, i was going to buy anne's present which by the way wasn't the one i wanted to get her, but i still like what i got her but you know wasn't a good way to start the day .i was walking to the store when i see all these couples. that wouldn't have bothered me[i mean come'on look who i hang out] but i was just thinking of a particular somone who could have been my lover. i was just thinking how lame it was that i never got the courage[i'm coward when comes to the opposite square(well asking them out really)] to tell this really amazing guy that i really really liked him. i know liked me back, he even sort of said that i should ask him out. But he left when i think i was finally summing up the courage to ask him out.. so yeah i was a little angry at couples, it felt a little like valentines day in septemeber..=[ Then when i get home i argued with my dad.. something else gone i just wrapped anne's present and it looks atrocious cuz i didn't buy paper thinking my mommy had some but no she didn't , well in any case.. i'll make it really hard for anne to open it.. i'll end up getting creative.. watch me.. well gnyt everybody i have a screenplay to write.. don't worry you'll prolly never hear about u won't miss much!

1 comment:

anne blogs said...

poo on couples!!! lol
thanks for the present =) i love it, but the wrapping took me forever!!! to take out AND re-pack?? lol i dont know how to call it