Monday, September 28, 2009

the notion i seem to never understand: LOVE

The thought that i have at this moment is that i should really be writing the essay about the epic heroes of the past but honestly i am not going to at least not while i have other thoughts in my head. Mainly the thing thta has been bothering me for the last month practically is my cousin Brneda's toxic relationship with her boyfriend steve. Ask me why i care and the only thing i can say is that i hate to see her so upset. Now wouldi do this for any one of my other friends? The answer is yes. However i hate it that i am telling her things for her own good. i told her fuck this guy, he dosen't understand all the sacrifices you have made for him. And after she broke up with him he got a girlfriend that same day. So tell me why she still loves this fucker. i would understand her more if she had been in this relationship for more than six months but dman it's only been two monts and they are already palnning the years after marriage! is it me or is society pushing us to fall in love. are we so caught up in the thought that to be something wre have to be a "We" . is there no space left for the single girls anymore? Why is it that a single girl has to really think about sleeping around? I have often thouhgt about pretending to be a guy and do what they do, hit on random guys, make promiscious jokes and it all backfires, i am either deemed a horny immature virgin or a easy slut. Why can guys be so open about thier sexual promiscuity without being looked at like a walking biohazard sign?Is there some rule that says that if you sleep around your a slut? if so why are guys rewarderd for thier slutiness and gals punished and made fun of for thier active libidos? Who wrote in permanent marker that to have sex you need to be in a relationship. oh but beware the moment you say u can be promiscious and the be in a situation were it gets thrown in ur face and your trying to make the opposite point. In this world where everyone is cynical and mainly looking out for themselves. where face to face chat exists only when we strive to make it work, how are we to ever know when we have found the one? i have always wondered is thier even a "the one" because it's getting ever harder to find. i would like to believe in this notion of love. i mean i have friends that are so deeply in love you don't realize it until thier breaking down in your arms. On of my close friends Julia fell in love with a guy in eighth grade and they were together fro liek four years. he was like two years older. they broke up two years ago. She called me to hang out last week and she cried for two hours because he sent her a message telling her that he stilled loved her. How do guys do that with just a text message a email a phone call or anything remotly showing that they still think about you break or make ur day. she cried and she kept asking me why it hurt why did she feel the gaping hole in her heart? And i sitting there, was confused. what could i tell her? i've never been in love like that. i told her that it was like a deep wound and that she needed not to pick at it and that she needed to let it heal. A couple days later, this saturday actually i slept pver my cousin's house. she cried for three hours and told me how he(steve) still had her heart and how he left her feeling empty and yada yada yada...this whole idea of love seems corny.. i guess it is corny, and despite what i know these girls are going through (Marie included) i am curious and i want to experience love. but it goes back to the why. this is a rounabout argument that i would love an answer too so if any would could shed light on the subject plez do.. before i make a move

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