Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Over the course of my life i have gathered (as most everyone does) a couple of people who really wouldnt care if i was alive or dead. I can count these people on one hand. Name 1 and Name 2. I don't know why they hate me, but i have a good idea. Now there are those that hate me by association, and that, well that can't be helped. Name 3, Name 4 and Name 5. See i protect my friends and as a result i get backlash, but like i said i don't care. Hate is an emotion generated by an intense feeling toward another individual perpetrated by an absence is therefore substituted into an enraged anger. Now having said that, I also want to say that Name's 1,2 and 3 all loved me or wanted me at some point. I ain't calling myself a player, just stating a fact. Name 3 and 4 well they loved or wanted a friend. The friend loved me (nothing sexual) but intense closeness is coveted to the Name's.... I don't like drama, i don't like to argue i like everyone to be at peace and just enjoy the things others take for granted, but no one fucks with me. I've been to hell and back, and i will cut you if hurt my happiness or others. ... SOoo here's what i think on girl's or guys, people who stalk.
 You are vengeful and pathetic, you have little regard for anything that is of consequence and your self -esteem is so low you don't even know what pride feels like any more. You lack love, emotional support and true friends. I pity you, i do not hate you, but i do pity you and the envy you carry like a gigantic shield. I can't begin to explain how sad it is, to watch you degrade into the slimiest worm, when you pretend to be so high and mighty above everyone. You think revenge is a solution and you hack and you make life hard, but karma's a bitch and it will bite you in the ass so hard, you won't feel it's sting until your in a hole so deep, you can't breathe.  You haven't grown out of your backwards ass high school mentality and you graduated half a decade ago. your still a child and you lack growth and thats prolly why you have some stupid ass friends.  I wish you luck in your miserable life, because at the end of the day when your done pretending ,you cry yourself to sleep or wake up drenched in sweat the nightmare still in your head and you don't know why, you know you did wrong. While i remain a fixture of your ever present hate because you can't move on with your life, you'll be a forgotten memory in mine and well i just won't remember your name.
So do either of two things. 1. Leave me the fuck alone and try to move on with your life. Get over whatever it is you have a problem with and think about your future happiness. or 2. continue fucking with me, but know this, i don't do revenge, but i do get justice one way or another. Karma's a bitch motherfucker=]

1 comment:

Bobby said...

Visser les harceleurs! Can you say Finger of Destiny?