Monday, December 31, 2012

my 2012 thank yous

So it's that time of year again to say thank you to my angels:)
2012 has so far been one of th  better years my family and I have gone thru some 
tough economic times. but I can't really complain I still have a warm bed and  food on the table. my friends help to keep me from going insanely for that I thank them. 

to Barbie/babala_- San/ Salinger/Ba- kun/Satan/ I could keep going: Truly thanks for hanging out and just being you I couldn't ask for a better confidant. Thanks for listening to my crazy shit and rants and for reading all my stories. Thanks for the laughs and the rides to class. I know it's been kinda of crazy tu sabes porque, but it's all fun and without the drama life is too boring, so here my dear to another yr of crazy, round table talks, to another yr of being total movie snobs, ebooks, and chisme, to another yr of drinks and good times. To a couple of new nicknames and to a couple of other good things to come.I wish you the best and just know you truly are the best.

to my wifey/ my boo/baby cakes/Beaelzebub / tootsie/twin: from the moment I laid on eyes on u I knew u were my wife. lol so here's to our 100th yr together May this yr bring many more fists and may we get to have many more laughs. Without you life would be lame, it was your kindness and friendship that got me thru the dark days, you know which ones. You' 've always been there when I needed a friend and  I hope I have reciprocated the  deed. I' m so proud of your accomplishments and I know your gonna get whatever you want soon. so let's ring in the yr to a lot more one for the books to spied conversations. to making Raul say dirty things and to a lot more laughs , shall I count the ways I love thee? say no, I' 'll be here forever. 

to tgif/ fakita/fa- kun/mephistopholes: I know it's been a long year. but through it all you've come out on never let any one tell u otherwise.You are of the nicest honestly caring and decent humans I have ever met! also one of the smartest! so here's a thank you for pushing me in my education and helping me, thanks for riding in the bus for an hour just to see me for 20 min. thanks for opening your home to me and for drunken adventures in ucla. we've been everywhere in L A together and had a lot of deep conversations  your one of the truest and fiercest friends a girl could find. I love you for that and I want u to know.right now it's hard but take this as a fresh start. your free and nothing can hold you back. the finish line is just there so push harder and you' 'll reach it in no time. you deserve happiness always.

BerHilda/ berthizzle/ berfa- San/ :another year has come and gone and though this year has brought some tribulations it has also been the one where I have seen u happiest, and you deserve it. Come May all your efforts shall be  finalized  and rewarded and I shall be there cheering for u amongst the loved ones. so here's to another year of crazy parental unit karaoke dinners, some family feud, more movie hopping with the kiddies. to more ridiculous conversation s that need to be made into status and to more fun and food. You know that when we walk with the Lord everything put in front of us is just another obstacle we can easily surpass with the help of willpower family and friends. To 2013 May it be better than the last.

sniffer/cuca/penguina Malhecha#1/: I have saved the best for last.. you have been my longest friend and even though we don't get to see each other as often as I like I know you and I will always be sisters. I know this year has been hard for you.  I know you've had a lot of responsibilities thrown your way to fast, and now that your going to be a mom things will change. but sniffer I want you to know I will love your baby so much. he will for sure be my nephew and no one can tell me otherwise because we have been thru so much together that we' 're family. I love all of your family and I know you guys love me too. I hope for 2013 that you have a beautiful experience as you enter motherhood. don't fret about the problems with love an  dedication and asking God for help everything will fall into place like it should. I love you sniffer and baby sniff!

thank you that is all:)) 

ps : honorable mention must go to the Chan's... that is ka- chan, le- chan, and ca- Chan. for helping pass french, without you guys it would have been dull and who knows if I would have ever understood the passe compose. see ya'll in French 4!

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