Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Have i ever mentioned how much i abhor October? No well then here it is i have a hate and love relatioship with October, for the sole reason that everyone i know was baisically born in October!!! It is exhausting for both myself and my wallet to buy presents as if it was christmas.
However i will say this, an ode to October:
Oh October with your semi-menopausal weather
with your sweet scented air and gray skies
how i hate and therefore love thee.
You inotxicate me with your tinge of winter's promise
you wrap in a frenzy and ignite my inner fire
Autumns baby, you celebrate the
advent of the terror and the horror
of fabricated Hollywood lies.
You demonstrate to me your limited powers
with the defecation of yellowing leaves
on the streets i wander..
oh october you asshole
or shall i say you lucky bastard
you who were unwillingly chosen to
be the crowning glory for expectant mothers
and who in turn broke my bank
i hate and therefore love you
Im antsy leave me alone

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