Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Golden Globes

The time has come everyone for my favorite time of year the start of red carpet season. Well on sunday the Golden Gloes took over y hometown as the commencement of the parade of the rich and famous to exploit thier general amzing-ness. Even my homegirl from overseas flew in for the festivities. Adele who by the way kicked ass by beating everyone for her original song for a motion picture "Skyfall". Everyone knew she was going to win, there really was no competition. Not even the American sweetheart Tayor Swift who was pissed and surprised she didn't win but honestly if you lose to Adele you should not be surprised or pissed only admire her and her greatness. You have lost to one of the best voices on this earth, no one can win her! Anyway this night was all about tv and films. The awards went out to two of my favorites: Jennifer Laurence for best supporting actress in a drama and Anne Hathaway for best supporting actress in a musical. Honestly there was no competition! Both had two equally amazing pictures. Anne had The Dark Knight Rises, and Les Miserables. Jennifer had The Silver Linings Playbook and The Hunger Games! I am very proud to say i saw three of those films in theatre, there really was no one who could beat out these two extraordinarily talented actress who are humble and elegant no matter where they go! I love them both! Also Jodie Foster blew my mind, she rarely ever says anything and when she did boy oh boy I was not prepared for that. You go Foster!
However we all know I am nice when discussing work but this, this a matter of FASHION.
Now let me tell you, let me give you the skinny on who wore what and who were the biggest surprises and who sucked ass!

I shall start as usual with the best dressed!
Jennifer Lopez
Wow! This woman must bathe in baby blood or something, she is so stunning, every year she gets better looking, to think this woman has been in the spotlight for almost two decades. Now this Zuhair Marad (i'm sure i'm spelling this wrong but too lazy to look) is gorgeous on her, it looks like gorgeous decals painted onto her skin and you can;t tell where the dress begins or ends. I love this dress, the tayloring of the is PERFECTION you can't tell the difference between her skin and the dress!

Taylor Swift

Ok so I think Taylor Swift is so freaking annoying with her teenage candy bubblegum attitude and look that i can't freaking take it. However I am liking this risk taking fashion forward dark Taylor, she is literally grown, who knew she had this gorgeous body. I mean her hips are wider forming her hourglass figure, her boobs are  bigger and her hair is slicked back and her makeup is natural. I love this look on her, its such a simple dress but what it reveals is nothing compared to what it hides. the little snippet of side boob held by such thin straps is very seductive and not like the Taylor Swift America has come to love. I love this dark color and i know that this dress would have looked equally gorgeous on ceartin other girls but the fact that she could wear this and pull it off is a thumbs up. She is doing what Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez and countless others couldn't do, that is grow up in style with age maturity in check. 

Michelle Dockery
I can honestly say I have no judgement upon this girl, for i have no idea who she is or what she was nominated for. But I can say I am in love with this dress, I love the Gold thing going up on the top and the white flowing down is just gorgeous when I saw this on the Red Carpet I loved it and had to look who she was online! My quips about  this dress are i wish it had a slit because i feel like she is turning into gold and her hair would have been better slicked into a bun.
And now ladies and gentlemen the worst of the worst, la creme de la stinky creme.  And there were a lot this year Eva Longoria, Tina Fey, Naomi Watts, Amanda Seyfried and a couple more but this bitches listed down here are so bad, so bad because they used to be best dressed nominees, people who usually havestyle and yet they belittle themselves in bad flower prints and just ughh gross crap!

Halle Berry 
Halle! Halle! This dress is so unforgivable, its so bad the early 2000's rejected it so why would you wear this? The problems with this dress are the squished in left boob, the absence of material on the left side, where they forgot to sew the dress together! The leg oh God the leg, it is just to much of an Angelina thing to do! Its just too much going on and then the huge hoops and ... God this was just to gross for words, we all know she can and will do better! Redeem yourself! 

Lucy Liu

Omg I named her a best nominee not to long ago with her beautiful metallic dress and she repays me with a Julianna Margolis disaster! Hollywood please listen to me! Flower prints are so gross on evening gowns. There is nothing beautiful about it! This looks like my grandmothers drapes made into a corset ballgown! I hate this so much! Lucy can't wear this dress she is too kick ass and not even zooey the queen of crazy cute can wear this and make it cute! In part the dress is to blame for the hideous and the other half is hers for not knowing how to style this correctly. fucking wrong!

Sienna Miller
Is this gross or is this gross? honestly I feel bad for Sienna Miller she wore a two piece and she could't rock it, in fact Anne Hathaway wore the same kind of ensemble but it was less gross, why? Because there was no flower print involved and furthermore this didn't flow with her body. It was just not the business! But I cannot   bag on a new mother. 

With that said congrats to the winners and see you all back in two weeks time, the SAGS!=]

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