Sunday, July 21, 2013

Horror Movie Marathon

So my sister and I have been watching all the universal horror movies of old.We started with the hunchback of Notre dame and have now currently seen phantom of the opera, Dracula and bride of Frankenstein. Here's the review:
Hunchback of Notre dame: 
Ok considering I didn't like the ending of the book I did like this rendition of the movie.perhaps because the movie had a just ending. Ok two saving grace Esmeralda' s portrayal and interaction with Quasimodo. That and the romance that grew between Gringoire and Esmeralda, which is better than the author posting her up with that ass phoebeus who I am happy to say has a minor role. I liked this it felt more just and even though I still feel sorry for Quasimodo I understand that love cannot involve ugly. In an observation I noticed that Maureen O'Hara reminds me of Kate Winslet.

Am I right or am I right! 

Phantom of th  opera:
My main problem with this movie was that I felt sorry for the phantom whom in the book and in the 2004 rendition of the movie I hadn't. This poor poor man. Poor Claudin, he worked all his life for a love that could never be his. Fucking Christine played fiddle with all  of those mans emotions. The three being the phantom, the policeman Raoul, and the baritone Garron who by the way look alike and made for confusing cinematic experience. Ok things I liked: the staging was pretty awesome and the music sans the singing I dug.
What I didn't like? The costuming, the story, the lack of horror, the ducked up story line, the opera....let's just say bad rendition of phantom.
See they are eerily similar.

We saw Dracula too but I'm saving the ruler of the night for a different post.
For now this is it. I'll post on Mama and The woman in black later. 

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