Friday, November 23, 2012



  • John C. Reilly as Wreck-It Ralph
  • Sarah Silverman as Vanellope von Schweetz,
  • Jack McBrayer as Fix-It Felix, Jr.,
  • Jane Lynch as Sergeant Tamora Jean Calhoun,
  • Alan Tudyk as King Candy

  • Welcome to video game nerd-isms at thier cutest! I saw the preview for this movie sometime this year and I couldnt wait for it to come out. Im a sucker for animated films especially Disney ones. This one was no exception and it succeded my expectations. The story is about a villan from an arcade game who wants to be the hero or at least be treated like a hero in his game. Fix-it Felix, is nicer than his fellow neighbors but still does nothing to help the wounded Ralph. So Ralph decides to do something about it. Thats when things get messy he travels to two different games and messes with the systems. Upon coming to the game Sugar Rush he meets the heroine Vanellope von Schweetz and the begin an unconvential tryst, a you scratch my back I scratch yours sort of thing. The movie was really good and I couldn't help it I was very into the movie and it the reason it worked was because the Disney formula, adapted by the geniues over at Pixar, is unfailable. It had heart, motivation and just enough comedy and trauma to get you hooked, at roughly and hr and 35 min (maybe more) it keept me glued to my seat and watching. I never once thought .. Bored!  Watch it if you have kids or if like me you have a weakness for animated movies.

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