Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Let's see what I can find to bitch about

Barbie and I are both taking math classes this summer, her because she wants to get it out of the way. I'm taking math in the summer because I'm dumb and didn't pass last semester's class. Anyway my class is way less intense than hers and so I therefore have no reason to study and now I'm here doing absolutely nothing.
So I decided to bitch about random shit.

Bruno Mars: Unorthdox Jukebox

I really, really love this album. I can't even begin to explain how much. Personally before this came out, I didn't care much for Bruno Mars. That song "Grenade" and "Just the way your are" kind of wore me out. I kept thinking he was just a sweet guy who was singing about lost love or whatnot and I'm just not that romantic. In the second album we hear a more racy side to him. Even though "Locked out of heaven" and "When I was your man" are kind of lovey dovey they have this simpleness that I love. As of now my favortie songs on this album are "Treasure" a sort of throwback to the Jackson 5 with a little edge and "Natalie" a song about a bitch he's gonna kill with a pretty awesome hook. I'm also kind of obsessed with "Money make her smile", it just has a really funky beat you just want to get crazy with.  Bruno Mars clearly can sing and in this album he's rowdy and fun and dirty and raunchy. If you like the Jackson Five and reggae, simple pop and good beats you'll like this album and then like me dance up the hill to "Treasure", pulling a Cameron Diaz in "The Sweetest Thing"

Movie time:
This movie I wanted to watch all week, my sister and I have been into the monster thing lately and are currently obsessed with having a scary monster movie marathon. Dracula was the only one we could find at the local library but it came with the pleasent surprise of four extra movies. It was "The Son of Dracula", "The Daughter of Dracula" "Dracula :The spanish version" and "House of Dracula" which the latter is a sequel to the movie "House of Frankenstein". So I popped it in after I had come home from school and had just had a big lunch, I'm talking mashed potatoes and a cheese stick(ok it wasn't that big but it felt like it at the moment). I saw up until the part where they find Lawerence Talbot, who incidentally is one of the main character of Anne Rices's "The Tale of the Body Thief" David Talbot. I thought that was fun fact whether it be true or not. But anyway after that I might have fallen asleep missing out most of the film and too sleepy top rewatch it afterwards. What I saw of it I can say that it was kind of creepy and that the nurse Miliza played by the beautiful Martha O'Driscoll scared me as I thought it was Carla Gugino (Sally Jupiter Sr. in watchmen? Mother of the two kids in Spy Kids?)   It was like Hollywood Doppleganger moment...
Carla Gugino                                                                              Martha O'Driscoll

 Eerily similar right!!!!

Bookworm alert:

At the beginning of the semester I ventured to the school's library on the lookout for a bibliography on one of my favorite writers, Antoine St. Expuery. I ventured into the Fiction section, because I just can't resist and found myself face to face with a tiny little book called "Einstein's Dreams", I have this thing with tiny books where I will read them just because of their size, because they are soo diminutive in stature that whether they are thick or thin I must read it. Anyway it was only 175 pgs I knew it would be a fast read. I read this book in two hours and am forever changed by it. Lightman has studied Einstein's theory of time and when he puts it into what I would refer too as a painting a picture it's just mind blowing. The one that catches me the most was the little vignette of the people who live in their past forever and therefore never give themselves a chance to move forward and be happy. A man who was a star athlete in his youth relives his past by keeping all his trophies on display and retelling his stories of glory and a lonely spinster refuses to move on with her life after her only love has gone. I was just so electrified by this vignette because it is a path so easily taken by people. Even I at my young age sometimes revisit the past, even though I tend to prefer to live in the present. There are a lot of insightful little tidbits that just make you want to shake and motorboat your lips because you can feel yourself becoming the person in that vignette. Also I've always imagined/ believed that all of my decisions were turned into consequences in a different dimension, for example in this world today I had chips and a soda for lunch, in another world I would have decided to go home instead of waiting for this *points to the left* one to finish her hw and then go buy shampoo. And then have this mean lady sit next to me and inquire what the fuck it is I am doing. And in another world a different me, a very rude me, would tell this bitch to "fuck off". But then you'd be reading or perhaps not reading her blog and not mine.

Miley Cyrus being a HO:

Then theres this Miley Cyrus video I watched out curiosity "We Can't Stop" it's her singing and announcing in a pretty fucking annoying way that she is at 20 finally liberating herself from her parents and the world, she has become fucking emancipated everyone lets rejoice and smoke and play in pools and eat bread and twerk as we wear gold grills. She is just so fucking stupid! I watched this video and couldn't really comprehend what her message was, "I'm 20 years old, a millionaire and I have an obsession with my vagina, or anything sexual for that matter. I put a lot of white bread in my videos but its not like I even eat bread because I am ultra thin cuz I need to twerk. I am now inviting black people into my videos when in my "Party in the USA" video I didn't even know who Jay-Z was and added him in my lyrics anyway. I still play with dolls and have a cutesy little girl side to me because I have been pretending to be a grown up for too long." In this video she grabs ass and tit,and says stupid shit like how it's her house so she can smoke, drink and fuck if she wants to. Bitch let me tell you something if you have to voice your independence so loudly you are not independent. Everyone smokes or drinks and fucks so what makes you so fucking special to shout that shit up, I don't want to hear about a weekend I could have! This girl is dumb and has way to much fucking time on her hands. As a girl who was venerated by young little girls everywhere for her Hannah Montana thing I can understand why she would want to transition away from that but let me say right now that there is  a way to do it. You can't go from little Disney princess to raunchy gagaesque wannabe slutbag. As an artist you define yourself by your beginnings not by the transition. No matter how much she tries to hide her image of the squeaky clean Disney darling she is just making it worse because she draws comparisons it's just too many volatile extremes and not only that but she is totally disregarding anything her parents have taught her. Demi Lovato has transitioned beautifully as well as Selena Gomez (I can't stand either one of them but they deserve brownie points for not commiting the crime miley has) Mily Cyrus, get your shit together and find real shit, don't just make your life about dumb shit smoking, drinking and having sex is only good for awhile find something substantial to sing about if not get the fuck out. ANd stop buying shit from American Apparel.

I really just fucking hate Math

I'm running our of things to bitch about and I'm hungry so Barbie better feed me.. by that I mean she better take me to Taco Bell, whatever happened to that annoying little chihuhaua that used to say "Yo Quiero Tacoo Belll" Like an East LA cholo?

i officially am upset with Barbie's professor, Professor Santa Claus is going down he just gives way to much homework, oh look at that I found something to bitch about! Well at the commencemnet of the semester we figured that our professors were pretty much dopplegangers for two very beloved characters Santa Claus and Bilbo. Although Santa is actually quite nice Bilbo is much sweeter in his effort to give us less homework and even though he demotes my ass every class meeting, daring me to fail his class even at my 82% I still like the old bastard so here are pictures of what we have to deal with everyday:


1 comment:

Bobby said...

=o ...biiiiiish. Quien tu eres?