Sunday, August 18, 2013

Mirror, Mirror

Mirror Mirror by Gergory Maguire:


Mirror, Mirror is a retelling of the Snow White fairytale and the author had set in the early 1500’s and the wicked witch is none other than Lucrezia Borgia. Needless to say it should have been pretty fricking awesome. Alas it wasn’t, it was kind of boring and hard to follow. The dwarves are the hardest thing for me to understand, first their a part of nature, then they begin to morph into humans and, well it gets tiresome to really comprehend where he wants to go with this. As per the story Bianca aka Snow White has no mother and she is the apple of her father’s eye. However he is under the control of the Borgia’s, I mean in those days who wasn’t, and he leaves Bianca in her care, yes crazy selfish Lucrezia Borgia. He is on a quest to find the branch of the tree of life, which if you ask me is dispersed too quickly.

Bitch Please!

This book was so far from what Wicked was that I just can’t comprehend how he got this published in the first place. It is extremely hard to follow whenever the dwarves come and when he writes in seven different voices it with no apparent difference. I was bored throughout the whole story, Bianca is asleep the bulk of the novel and the only interesting part is when Cesare tries to take Bianca and Lucrezia rescues her and then in turn tries to kill her. I don’t know if it was because I read it just after “The Swan Thieves” a work that tells its story through many voices and still manages to be coherent or that the language and logic in “Mirror, Mirror” is lacking in depth. Maybe its that he tried to tie many things together and they just didn’t work. Whatever the case it was pretty lame and I got through mostly because I had already started it and because once I start a book I pretty much have to finish it. I don’t recommend this.


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