Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Grammy's: Music's Biggest Night

Ladies and Gentleman the world's largest congregation of music legends are anually converged under one roof, in the greatest city in the world my hometown, Los Angeles. Welcome I bid you to my fashion thunder monolouge. Firstly i want to pay homage to my homegirl Adele, ( AdeleLaurie Blue Adkins) I have been fascinated with her since I was 17 so around four years. This bitch is psychotically good. Everything she touches turns to gold and her voice, ughh her voice is perfection. I want to say that she didn't win those six for six grammies out of thin air, she worked tremendously hard. It wasn't until 21 came out that people took notice, but gurl, I knew you had it in you! Congratulations to the best voice on this earth!
Ok now let the fashion party begin.
My three best nominated for the night were Rhianna, Jessie J and Taylor Swift.

Rhianna: Homegurl has not looked this good in .. well she's never looked this good. I was in awe of this dress not because it was sex personified, but becasue I imagined it on several different people and not one could have rocked it like Rhianna did. Here's the best part, I kind of really don't like her, I  will forever hold a grudge for that damn stupid Umbrella song. But even though she lost she looked hot, very Farrah Fawcett and Michelle Phiffer...

Jessie J: I like Jessie J, I think of her as the combination between all of the  Brit's newest and hottest voices all rolled in to make the super hot and super talented Jessie J. I do kind of get annoyed at her bangs but this time they actually worked in her benefit and that dress would have looked shitty on anyone else, totally digging this..

Lastly my surprise of the night was Taylor Swift who looked downright gorgeous in this dress. i thought it was the most riskiest thing she'd ever worn! She's girly and annoyingly into elegant couture, so to see her in this was like her staying true to herself but also taking a risk, like musicians are supposed to do. Also sidenote; I don't like her either.

ok now that we have the pretty covered lets get to the bad.

omfg what we're these bitches thinking... oh wait I can explain=]

Robyn: I love Robyn, heard her music and thought she was the dirty songbird that I always hoped for. And yes musicians are supposed to take risks but these shoes are seriously just hurting my eyes. I hate everything about this, she looks like a hot-fucking-mess. No other explanation, no one should ever wear those shoes, the dress was like the front of her skirt got caught in the shreder and big oversized men's t on top was like asking for trouble. Come on Robyn i'm not saying go into the straight line, just don't veer into the construction zone...

Nicki Minaj: I have a serious problem with this girl, everytime i start to like her she gives me a reason to run into the other direction. As she walked the red carpet I thought oh look littel Red Riding Hood but then she busts out with a pope. I was like wtf, you ain't Madonna, or Lady Gaga, you can't pull this off. See thing is only Catholics can make fun of Catholics. Because there is a reason behind the madness. some deeply rooted anger or intolerance. With Nicki there is just madness and a want to be mainstream crazy. She can't become her own persona so she adapts and this was so confusing that everyone was like, huh? She is so talented and she can do better but then she pulls of shit like this and it's like girl go make your own mark and stop copyng from everyone else.

Lastly Fergie: I am not usually bothered by what she wears but this was an atrocity, i think it would have been nicer in a white with like a silver undergarments or black with gold undergarments. This looked like the Halloween pumkin gone wrong. Girl Halloween was like four months ago get over it. Furthermore she picked some high as fuck waisted panties and we all know she could wear something more sexy without being sluty so come an effort would have been nice. Think before you do girl think!

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