Saturday, December 26, 2015

Day 17: Things that make you scared

I'm really only scared of three things:
1. Losing people. Most importantly my parents and my siblings. I fear losing my friends. By losing people I mean death. I'm terrified of the idea of dying and/or my loved ones dying. It scares me so much that sometimes I can't go to sleep and sometimes I'm asleep and I wake up scared because it happened in my dreams. 
2. Not realizing my dreams. I want to be a librarian, I want to travel and I want a partner in life. I don't want to wake up at 35 and realize that I haven't done at least one of these things. I fear being a failure because I feel like my parents, myself and my loved ones have worked to hard for me not to be someone. 
3. Spiders. Those eight legged freaks are the bane of my existence ,.. fuck spiders. 

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