Saturday, December 12, 2015

Day 5: Five things that irritate you about the oppposite/same sex.

I'm not sure once again if this is one of those relationship type of questions so I shall answer both.
Opposite sex: 
1. When guys say "Why didn't you hit on him?" me: "because he's taken." guy friend: "so?" ... I don't know if its the guy friends that i have but this statement always worries me. It makes me feel like neither of them take their relationships seriously and that they just want to fuck and that bothers me. Monogamy isn't fro everyone but if you're in a monogamous relationship then you better fucking respect the person you're with. 
2. Leaving the toilet seat up after males pee. There is nothing scarier when you're half asleep then taking a piss and the awful feeling of falling follows. ITS AWFUL!
3.When all males assume because you're friendly that you're automatically into them. Men are so vain, just because I'm happy to see you does not mean I want your penis inside me. The faster you learn this and think of me as a bro the better off we shall be.
4. When they insist on looking at you're tits while addressing a social, political or cultural stand/issue. It's like they don't care because I count as only an aesthetic principal. 
5.When they do stereotypical bro things, it breaks my heart I thought you were better than that dude! 
Same sex:
1. When women are all over a good looking guy and he isn't into her and she keeps insisting and cockblocking.. bro stop being thirsty take a hint and back off.
2. When girls drop their homegirls because they got into a relationship, like opps i'm sorry was I only a temporary distraction while you waited for you're "real life" to begin?
3. When girls get too catty about things they have been bottling up forever and then become passive aggressive... i include myself in this one. 
4. When they get mad that a dude didn't act a stereotypical way or say he wasn't man enough to do something ... how is society ever going to change if women can't propagate or support change?
5.When girls of this generation degrade themselves to continue in a relatinship that isn't working but fear being alone.. Dude woman the fuck up and face the fact that you outgrew the homeboy, find someone better and stop whining. God!

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