Monday, December 7, 2015

Day 1: Weird things you do when your alone.

Weird things I do when I'm alone? Oh for sure one of them has to be talking to myself. Like out loud. I am in constant conversation with myself, sometimes I'm relieving moments, mostly embarrassing ones and I facepalm, because I can't with myself and don't quite believe how deep my stupidity can go. Or i'll remember something really funny and start cracking up and then call myself a weirdo. Sometimes I'm creating dialogue for myself like the a narrator in a movie, you know like in The Holiday, when Amanda can hear the internal narrator and she tells him to shut up... something along those lines. Sometimes when I'm mad I yell at whoever i'm mad at and put them in their "place" a.k.a me winning an argument. Sometimes I catch myself behaving like if i'm being constantly watched or recorded, which is even weirder. I think the weirdest part about talking to oneself is when you get caught, I can't tell you how many times my parents have caught me in a debate, lecture, conversation, and storytelling to myself. God bless their souls all they do is laugh and go "we'll leave you to yourself." never have they thought I was crazy.  I've also noticed that when I'm in deep thought while writing I will randomly be grabbing my boobs, like cradling them, its weird and unconscious, but they're there and I guess I don't know what else to do with my hands. Lot of Sometimes in this post, and I think it's because everyday my mood varies. I'm pretty sure there must be some other weird thing I do, but it isn't weird to me so I can't exactly call myself out on it. 

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