Monday, December 28, 2015

Day 21:10 Things about you people don't expect

1. I'm Salvadorean; usually phrase "OMG you're Hispanic and Central American???"
2. I speak spanish: my fave phrase "OMG you speak Spanish! I love your spanish!"
3. I'm older than I look: this one makes me vain "OMG I thought you were 22 maximum"
4. I want to be a librarian: #annoyed "OMG why, is it because you like to read?" 
5. I like to drink : "OMG you drink, you look so innocent" 
6. I like throw an awesome party: " YOU? Party? Really? ... Yes me bitch
7. I don't have my drivers license: comment... I really should have it 
8. My eyes are green. " Omg I thought they were brown" no bitch, fucking no.
9. I like heavy metal. " What? Really, Shut the fuck up"
10: Yes I'm a natural blonde. please never say this."Like do the curtains match the drapes" ,..soo eww

Day 20: The last argument you had

I argued with my dad on Sunday that it was his fault we were late to church...
it was a baby argument and we didn't agree but that's because we finally made it to church. 

Day 19: Something you can't get over

Something I can't quite get over, as selfish as it sounds is letting myself down. I wanted to have a certain number of goals accomplished by the time I was 25, I was 18 when I set these goals for myself. I have so far only achieved one of those goals, ok almost two, almost three. But it was the idea that out of ten goals  I really only made one complete goal happen. I can't get over disappointing myself.  There is no one I can blame except for myself, and that is probably what gets me more upset, there is no one who got me here by myself.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Day 18: Disrespecting parents

I don't know if it's because I'm Hispanic but I was taught to respect and slightly fear my parents. The idea of talking back was not an idea it wasn't even a dream. You just didn't do it! It was interesting for me as a child of Salvadorean parents, people who left their country but not their culture, to watch how American culture portrayed their children in television. I could not perceive why they would say "I hate you" that was so not ok. Hate is a strong word, and it hurt MY feelings to even tell my mom "I don't like you right now". The way Hispanic culture is portrayed in Vines by Oscar Miranda and Jay Mendoza and all this Hispanic-american generation has made it seem is pretty accurate. They present the problems growing up Hispanic with an american influence that we can't seem to understand. I do have to be honest I do sometimes yell at my parents and argue with them, but this I have only started to do since I became an adult and somehow the relationship with my parents shifted in a level way. But lets be honest, we all want to smack the little shit who is always being an ass to his parents.

BTW: if you want to see what I was talking about  this is Oscars vine link 
.. he's hilarious and pretty on point

Day 17: Things that make you scared

I'm really only scared of three things:
1. Losing people. Most importantly my parents and my siblings. I fear losing my friends. By losing people I mean death. I'm terrified of the idea of dying and/or my loved ones dying. It scares me so much that sometimes I can't go to sleep and sometimes I'm asleep and I wake up scared because it happened in my dreams. 
2. Not realizing my dreams. I want to be a librarian, I want to travel and I want a partner in life. I don't want to wake up at 35 and realize that I haven't done at least one of these things. I fear being a failure because I feel like my parents, myself and my loved ones have worked to hard for me not to be someone. 
3. Spiders. Those eight legged freaks are the bane of my existence ,.. fuck spiders. 

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Day 16:three things you are proud of about your personality

1. Friendly: I tend to make friends easily, I ain't tooting my horn, I just speak the truth. I like individuals and I like to make a nice atmosphere for myself wherever I go. Friends are a part of this.
2. Funny: I always try to have a joke or two handy , but to be completly honest I've given up trying to be funny and just let myself happen. I am pretty funny after all, I am clumsy and too blunt but nice about it so people laugh. 
3. Thoughtful: Idk if this is true but I try to think about what other people want and need. Almost a people pleaser but not quite lol 

Day 15: The best thing to happen to you this week

Well this was supposed to be monday so ... my week just started and its christmas week so i'm going with I got hours at work! Which is exciting considering I have not worked too much in like a month. So i'm very happy about this!

Day 14: something disgusting you do

...I want to say pick my nose, but I don't do it too often, mostly when I feel like I can't breathe so I gotta dig in there...
I got it!
I pop my pimples.. besides the fact that it is horrible for your skin, it's kind of gross, but I hate walking around with that on my face. So I pop pop pop. ... 
Recently the water heater was broken so i did not shower for like three days... that was pretty gross.. but I'm the girl that showers daily 

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Day 13: A Date you would love to go on

I don't even know what kind of question this is... I want to say a dinner dancing date, or something but nah. I think I would like to go on a brewery date. Is that a thing? 
Like homeboy will take me to the nearest brewery we'll get the try-all special and once he got me nice and drunk we go back to his or my place and netflix... or dance.... or sleep... let's be honest there will be no smashing. I'm a classy lady lol But that sounds nice, or a brunch by the beach and then walking down the beach, talking getting to know one another without being hustled and bustled about. Those are the only two things I can think off. 

Friday, December 18, 2015

Day 12: Things you would say to your ex.

I don't know if he counts as an ex. We had a relationship but it was mostly friendship with the casual sex thrown in.... but if I were to say something to him it would be.
1. I wish we could be friends 
2. But we can never be friends 
3. The sexual tension is too real.
4. You really shouldn't cheat on anyone
5. You need to stop creeping on my social media
6. please do us all a favor and update your wardrobe to this millenia. 
and lastly (Barbs don't judge me harshly... It's been a while)
7. Fuck me.

Day 11: Your relationship status

Single . As. Fuck.
Forever Alone
.... we're about to get into the nitty gritty peeps prepare yourselves for the ride of a lifetime. Just kidding I'm single, there isn't much to say. I suck at starting relationships because I suck at beliving anyone that has ever told me they like me. I also can't pick up on social cues that someone finds me attractive. How I got laid remains a mystery. I want a boyfriend tonight in 45 degree whether but ... that's tomorrows problem.


Thursday, December 17, 2015

Day 10: Your views on drugs and alcohol

I really like alcohol. Like its one of my hobbies.. In fact I shall be so bold as to state its one of the things I spend a lot of money on. Beer, wine and mixed drinks I' m in. I don't know if its because its a burgeoning college thing but I really like beer and having a cold one after like a long day of everyone's bullshit sounds awesome. I tend to drink however only in a social setting. I'll drink with a bunch of friends but never by myself. 

Drugs however are soooo not my thing. I have a very negative view on marijuana. Personally I can never be like those people who consume it and have a good trip. You know those people that call the cops thinking they're going to die? That's me, every time I would consume it I would end up thinking I was going to die and having so many paranoid trips, it's just no fun when your're constantly on the edge. As for smoking it, I never feel it, I just get the mucnhies and a minor headache. Therefore this drug is really futile to me.It'a just not for me, I don't like to be around it because it makes me feel like i'm in highs school but whatever i have a lot of friends who do it. As a Californian I think that it should become a legal and taxable thing. It makes so many problems and it makes so many people rich because it is an illegal substance that lurks in the shadows. i think weed is annoying.
Other drugs that are hella no-nos are anything that is not ibuprofen and molly/ecstasy: personally I love ibuprofen and consume probably to much of it, as for ecstasy I don't think I could try it but I hear it's fun. Personally not down. 
The one that scares the shit out of me:HEROIN!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Day 9: Your last kiss

Sadly this was Halloween. er well the night before Halloween. This was one of those I was too drunk to do anything right type of nights. I ended up making out with one of my really good guy friends, and then some random dude. Let's just say I'm done randomly making out and/or making out with good guy friends. I got lucky and my guy friend is 1. really chill and thinks its endearing (possibly because he is bi) and 2. he really is used to making out with people as he made out with like three of his other friends.

Day 8: Something you're currently worried about.

Ok, I just finished finals. Currently worried about my grades since I am pretty sure I did shitty on my final papers. I was just so fucking done with everything this quarter. I'm worried that I got a really bad GPA this quarter, I know I work better under Chaos and this quarter was far too lax. I also worry that I blew threw a shit ton of money earlier in the quarter so now I am pretty much broke as shit. It's fucking Christmas season and here I am with no money to do fun things. I want to see if I can get more days at work and then I shall worry about it less. I'm worried about my body and whether or not everything is going on fine, low-key I fucking freaked out after the doctor told me I had gallbladder stones. Every year I say I will lose weight, I think my body might force me to mean it this time. I guess for the moment that's it. Come winter there will be one million and one more worries, but for now I only have two preoccupations.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Day 7: Your Opinion on Cheating on people.

Just don't do it. I have never been cheated on, and it must suck to be cheated on. I think that if you want to be in a monogamous relationship then you have to stick to it. Some people are just not made for it and you can't have both a loving person and the one you fuck on the side. Well I guess you can there are always people who won't care. But you shouldn't! The problem with cheating is that it really signals out how selfish your partner is, they didn't care about you or how you would feel, they were down for that one moment of satisfaction. Not only that but it makes me wonder how taxing it must be too be constantly maintaining multiple relationships. Seriously, just don't fucking do it.

Day 6: The person you like, and why you like them.

This is going to be a short post. This quarter has been such a rollercoaster. Let's just say I don't like anyone this quarter, I think a couple of guys are cute but I don't like them. It's really hard for me to like anyone and let's just the pickings have been slim as fuck this quarter.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Day 5: Five things that irritate you about the oppposite/same sex.

I'm not sure once again if this is one of those relationship type of questions so I shall answer both.
Opposite sex: 
1. When guys say "Why didn't you hit on him?" me: "because he's taken." guy friend: "so?" ... I don't know if its the guy friends that i have but this statement always worries me. It makes me feel like neither of them take their relationships seriously and that they just want to fuck and that bothers me. Monogamy isn't fro everyone but if you're in a monogamous relationship then you better fucking respect the person you're with. 
2. Leaving the toilet seat up after males pee. There is nothing scarier when you're half asleep then taking a piss and the awful feeling of falling follows. ITS AWFUL!
3.When all males assume because you're friendly that you're automatically into them. Men are so vain, just because I'm happy to see you does not mean I want your penis inside me. The faster you learn this and think of me as a bro the better off we shall be.
4. When they insist on looking at you're tits while addressing a social, political or cultural stand/issue. It's like they don't care because I count as only an aesthetic principal. 
5.When they do stereotypical bro things, it breaks my heart I thought you were better than that dude! 
Same sex:
1. When women are all over a good looking guy and he isn't into her and she keeps insisting and cockblocking.. bro stop being thirsty take a hint and back off.
2. When girls drop their homegirls because they got into a relationship, like opps i'm sorry was I only a temporary distraction while you waited for you're "real life" to begin?
3. When girls get too catty about things they have been bottling up forever and then become passive aggressive... i include myself in this one. 
4. When they get mad that a dude didn't act a stereotypical way or say he wasn't man enough to do something ... how is society ever going to change if women can't propagate or support change?
5.When girls of this generation degrade themselves to continue in a relatinship that isn't working but fear being alone.. Dude woman the fuck up and face the fact that you outgrew the homeboy, find someone better and stop whining. God!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Day 4: What do you wear to bed?

This is a question? Seriously? Well fuck that is stupid and anti-climactic.
I could be cool and pull a Marilyn and say that I only wear chanel to bed. But lets be honest ... I wear old school t-shirts. I buy men's boxers or pj pants and use that as bottoms. Old tattered t-shirts become the new pj suit.Its sad but true ain't no one have time to look cute. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Day 3: What kind of person attracts you?

I don't know what this means. Does it mean who I am attracted to on a friendship level or someone that I can see spending my life with as a partner?
I'll just answer both: 
A male that attracts me in one word: BALD. I have a thing for bald men, everyone knows it, everywhere I go. But personality I want a good guy, the nice guy that is usually overlooked by everyone, the shy one. That's the one. I'm loud and a know it all so i tend to be attracted to men who know very little about pop culture and social media, literature, film and art. I like guys who know about politics and science, because I don't know too much about it and I feel like its a good trade off. I've recently learned that I like all body types. 
As a person looking for friends. Man I'm open to everything. I like to find people who you can learn things from, some friends are the kind of people you know you will always have a good time with and then there are friends who you can bare your soul to and there is no judging. The only way I close myself off to people is if you are pretentious, selfish and demanding. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Day 2: How have you changed in the past two years?

Loaded question. Let's start with stating facts. Two years ago I was 23. Two years ago this time of year I was living with my parents, finishing my requirements at LACC to transfer out of that place. Two years ago, everything was so normal that it almost makes me want to cry, not that I am not appreciate that things have changed and that I am where I am. I have been very blessed, things have gone so beautifully and everything that I have accomplished I have been able to do independently as well as I have proven to myself that I can do things. However I know the issue I'm skirting. This year I lost someone I loved, this year I lost one of the women that helped form me as I grew up. It's hard to exactly pinpoint how much I loved her, perhaps it's one would feel for like an aunt who always had your back or a grandma who would always comfort you mixed with a mother's unconditional love. She was all of that. I have been very fortunate and my mother has been amazing about sharing me with other people. Sandra was my best friends mom. We met a lifetime ago, back when I was 13 and for some unknown reason we began to befriend each other the way only immigrants can. We made a patchwork family, since the ones they loved were in a different country.  We shared holidays, graduations and birthdays together. Those moments of life that you celebrate and mourn, we had our share of exultation and celebration. Whenever we were together which was literally every weekend you could be sure that life was going to get crazy and fun. 2014 started off rough, Sandra was in an accident that we all thought would signal the end of her life. She had a 1% chance of living and I remember praying to God to not take her, to please let her live to see her grandson, which she had been awaiting anxiously for, to see me graduate and to see her daughter come back to Los Angeles. We said a lot of prayers 2014 and my family was very united. We celebrated the births of two little angels and I celebrated my commencement into adulthood. I finally transferred to a University and I now live on my own. During the summer when I moved back home, I got a job and I had a very good GPA. From 2013 to 2104 what I learned was to believe in myself that everything was going to be fine in time. Perhaps I had had to wait for certain things a little bit more but once you start the ball rolling everything just falls in line. I spent my summer of 2014 working and spending time with my loved ones and celebrating my beginning here at UCR. At UCR I learned that as much as I had wanted to be on my own, I missed my best friends and I had separation anxiety from Barbs which was hard to overcome but I'm used to it now. I still miss her but she's always the first person besides my parents that I go see whenever I go home. I had one goal for fall quarter since I felt so alone, make one friend a day. Damn did I fulfill my goal. I'm happy to say that I've not only found my niche but made for myself a little family. This time last year I was finishing my finals for the first quarter here and I was excited to go back home. 2015 found me hoping that things would be different, fuck I didn't know how different. Winter and Spring quarter found me experiencing new things with my roommates and the lovebirds while at home everything was awesome, Jamie, the newest addition to our family was the source of excitement. She had arrived on thanksgiving of the previous year, one day before my birthday! For some unknown reason she brought everyone closer together in away that we had not anticipated before. I could finally connect to my cousin. By the time I realized it was already the end of my first year at UCR. I had applied right before I left to work at Universal and I got the job. Now I had money for summer adventures. That was not like me of the past summers. I had money in my pocket and no school for the first time since I had been 20. I was living the life of an adult without bills. July had one gift to give me. In the first week of July my patchwork family always planned a trip to a little island near the OC called Balboa Island. The beauty of this place is that it is obvies far from the city, its a picturesque little town on the seaside. The kind of town you see in movies when they describe great summers. So every year we go, the kids always have fun, but sometimes the parents can't go and we never get to take a good family photo. This year we all went. Even little baby Jamie. The whole day was one of those days that you look around you and it has a haze. You clearly remember everything that was said, all that you heard, the way everything tasted and most importantly how you felt. I hadn't been able to take a day off since i started work but this happened to be my ONE WEEKEND OFF. All the parents were able to go. With my cousins we swam in the ocean and then biked for hours throughout the entire island while the parentals discussed life, love and us annoying kids. I guess in hindsight it was our way of saying goodbye, our last goodbye to her. She died three weeks after this day. I had only lost Ralfie before this. But this loss hit me in a places I didn't expect. Perhaps it was the way she died. She was brain dead before she actually was pronounced dead. I had never seen my parents cry like that, they were mourning a friend and sister. She was their best friend. My cousin and her sister were distraught, and there was no hope for me to give them, I saw my aunts lose thier best friend the way my parents were. I saw my cousins feel the same helplessness I felt as we all tried to process this in our heads. She was the one who had always made us feel special and united, and we were going to lose her, there would be no stopping this eventuality. It was a hard pill to swallow. August was filled with me growing up and helping to prepare for the burial and viewing something I had learned from Ralife, however it was different because my cousin couldn't cope, as was somewhat expected. Later it was time for my youngest cousin and I to go back to school. My second youngest cousin haad her baby too look after and my cousin was left to put the pieces back together. I came back and here I am, at the end of he year. Sometimes I want to say I became wiser, truth be told, I did learn a lot. I learned I am very much family centered and that I love my friends. I miss those bitches more than they miss me (except for Barbie she is on my level) I can't manage money to well. Life is beautiful no matter how badly you want to just hide under the covers and cry. I guess I tend to be melancholic and nostalgic and it surprises people that know me as all they have seen has been my giddy and upbeat nature. As much as I don't realize it, I'm an optimist, an extrovert and apparently blunt. I am the girl you call to throw a good party or to have a one-on-one deep conversation with. I hate losing my best friends to a boyfriend but I'm not the kind of girl to be really vocal about it, because I've learned that people just have to learn lessons on their own. I guess honestly, in two years, I just became a rough draft of the person I'm going to be for the rest of my life. I will always grow as life is ever changing but there is always room for improvement. I guess this post is also a recap of 2014-2015 now, since there is alot on here. I hope I answered the question.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Day 1: Weird things you do when your alone.

Weird things I do when I'm alone? Oh for sure one of them has to be talking to myself. Like out loud. I am in constant conversation with myself, sometimes I'm relieving moments, mostly embarrassing ones and I facepalm, because I can't with myself and don't quite believe how deep my stupidity can go. Or i'll remember something really funny and start cracking up and then call myself a weirdo. Sometimes I'm creating dialogue for myself like the a narrator in a movie, you know like in The Holiday, when Amanda can hear the internal narrator and she tells him to shut up... something along those lines. Sometimes when I'm mad I yell at whoever i'm mad at and put them in their "place" a.k.a me winning an argument. Sometimes I catch myself behaving like if i'm being constantly watched or recorded, which is even weirder. I think the weirdest part about talking to oneself is when you get caught, I can't tell you how many times my parents have caught me in a debate, lecture, conversation, and storytelling to myself. God bless their souls all they do is laugh and go "we'll leave you to yourself." never have they thought I was crazy.  I've also noticed that when I'm in deep thought while writing I will randomly be grabbing my boobs, like cradling them, its weird and unconscious, but they're there and I guess I don't know what else to do with my hands. Lot of Sometimes in this post, and I think it's because everyday my mood varies. I'm pretty sure there must be some other weird thing I do, but it isn't weird to me so I can't exactly call myself out on it. 

30 day blog challenge...Because why the fuck not

So while procrastinating during finals week I ventured onto a little site called Pinterest. As I was scrolling down the list of pins I saw one that looked like fun. How much fun I'm going to have... IDK just yet. It was a blog challenge and considering I have radio silent for a while i thought it would be fun to come back to blogging with a challenge... hopefully one I will go through with... I will someday finish the OSCAR challenge.

Ok so here is the new challenge:
Let's hope i at least make it to Day 25

2015 has been both very good and very bad to me. So I want to see if by giving myself a question daily I will be able to connect once again to the writer I used to be. I still write but it isn't the kind of writing I used to do and sometimes I think it was the personal writing that helped me cope with my evolving self. It could just be me but I want to get back to doing that. I recently talked to a friend who went through a break up and how he wrote letters to his past girlfriends and apologized for his past mistakes. He considered it cathartic. I shall consider this blog challenge a letter to the past me introducing the new me and a requiem to future me, may I be smarter and wiser.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Golden Globes 2015

Its that tie of year again. Award season! Holy fuck I am so ecstatic, I'm finally on the train of the independent film. Don't get too excited I haven't actually seen any but I knew about the films before the award show so I could make some pretty excellent guesses (If i do say so myself.) Anyway this year was also a whole new watching experience for me, more on that in a later post. Anyway the films I have to say look pretty awesome; particularly the biopic "The Theory of Everything" and the magical realism "Birdman". I can honestly say that out of all the movies nominated this year I wanted to watch at least six; The Theory of Everything, The Imitation Game, Birdman, Boyhood and Into the Woods, The Grand Budapest Hotel. I had heard of at least seven: Selma and the remaining pretty much caught my undivided attention, Foxcatcher, Pride and particurlarly St. Vincent's.

There was a lot of awesome going around in the movie category as expected but there was also some awesome in the tv category specifically in the: house of cards nominations and the Downtwon Abbey and American Horror Story departments. Without further ado here are the nominees and subsequent winners.

I predicted but I was a little late in posting so figured that posting a prediction list was probs not the best idea. In any case i'll highlight what I wanted to win and what I never saw coming. If I got it right you'll know because there is no rant next to the name.

Best Motion Picture, Drama
The Imitation Game
The Theory of Everything

Best Actress in a Motion Picture, Drama
Julianne Moore
(Still Alice)
Rosamund Pike
(Gone Girl)
Reese Witherspoon
Felicity Jones
(The Theory of Everything)
Jennifer Aniston

Best Actor in a Motion Picture, Drama
Eddie Redmayne
(The Theory of Everything)
Steve Carell
Benedict Cumberbatch
(The Imitation Game)
David Oyelowo
Jake Gyllenhaal

Best Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy
Into The Woods
The Grand Budapest Hotel
St. Vincent

Note about this section, I wanted The Grand Budapest Hotel to win but didn't predict it since the giant was Birdman and i succumbed to the pressure. I'm really happy this won though! 

Best Actress In A Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy
Julianne Moore
(Maps To The Stars)
Amy Adams
(Big Eyes)
Emily Blunt
(Into The Woods)
Helen Mirren
(The Hundred Foot Journey)
Quvenzhané Wallis

Best Actor in a Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy
Michael Keaton
Bill Murray
(St. Vincent)
Ralph Fiennes
(The Grand Budapest Hotel)
Christoph Waltz
(Big Eyes)
Joaquin Phoenix
(Inherent Vice)

Best Animated Feature Film
The Lego Movie
How To Train Your Dragon 2
Big Hero 6
The Book of Life
The Boxtrolls

Ok wtf HFPA!!?!??!? Did you not see the masterpiece that is Big Hero 6? I admit to not having watching this movie or its predecessor and I also admit to being Disney biased, however did they not see the visual perfection that is BIg Hero 6???? Its gold, everything about that movie was amazing the adaptation, the direction, the casting, the idea of SAN FRANSKOYO! FUCKIN BAYMAX!!!!
Just ughhh....

Best Foreign Language Film
Force Majeure
Gett: The Trial of Viviane Amsalem

I just randomly selected but didnt get lucky. lol

Best Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture
Jessica Chastain
(A Most Violent Year)
Keira Knightley
(The Imitation Game)
Patricia Arquette
Meryl Streep
(Into The Woods)
Emma Stone

Honestly I think she should be rewarded she keeps getting nominated and always oh so close, however Patricia Arquette is not going to be back on this stage for awhile so I guess. Plus it was a decade and half long process of shooting. 

Best Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture
Ethan Hawke
Robert Duvall
(The Judge)
Edward Norton
J.K. Simmons
Mark Ruffalo

Ok haven't seen "Whiplash" but that shit came from like out of fucking nowhere, no one could have predicted that JK Simmons, osea Juno's dad would win. Good for him but fucking weird. 

Best Director - Motion Picture
Ava DuVernay
Wes Anderson
(The Grand Budapest Hotel)
Alejandro González Iñárritu
David Fincher
(Gone Girl)
Richard Linklater

Just a note I predicted this correctly but I secretly wanted to be wrong so Wes Anderson would win. 

Best Screenplay - Motion Picture
Wes Anderson
(The Grand Budapest Hotel)
Gillian Flynn
(Gone Girl)
Alejandro González Iñárritu, Nicolás Giacobone, Alexander Dinelaris, Armando Bo
Richard Linklater
Graham Moore
(The Imitation Game)

Best Original Score - Motion Picture
Alexandre Desplat
(The Imitation Game)
Jóhann Jóhannsson
(The Theory Of Everything)
Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross
(Gone Girl)
Antonio Sanchez
Hans Zimmer

Note I didn't guess correctly I accidentally skipped it and then when I saw it on the tube didn't bother to guess, however I will say this the winner is a total nube so I would have gone with Zimmer or Desplat as I love either of their works. 

Best Original Song - Motion Picture
Big Eyes
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1

Honestly I love Lorde's "Yellow Flicker Beat" and I thought for sure it was going to win, however then I saw that Lana had done "Big Eyes" and I thought hmm Lorde has competition but woo forgot about John fucking Legend and the mastermind that is Common. Well played guys!

Best TV Series, Drama
Downton Abbey
The Affair
Game Of Thrones
House of Cards
Good Wife, The

This was another fucking surprise for me. I was on my couch and had a fucking heart attack. What the fuck is The Affair and how did it kick ass thrice, House of Cards on its second season and second time nominated, last year it only lost to the giant that is Breaking Bad, Downton Abbey now nominated at least three times and going into its fifth or sixth season, and Game of Thrones, in hindsight they're always nominated but never win. I was in shock, This show reminds me of Fargo i don't get the whole hype in the judges but I can now predict that they'll win everything. 

Best Actress in a TV Series, Drama
Viola Davis
(How to Get Away With Murder)
Claire Danes
Julianna Margulies
(The Good Wife)
Robin Wright
(House of Cards)
Ruth Wilson
(The Affair)

Who the fuck is she, why did they give the award to the bitch with thee ugliest dress and why was she so awlward! Im over this show! I thought Robin Wright had it in the bag! Claire Underwood was so fucking spectaculart this season! Ughh my consolation is she won the year before and Viola Davis was the only one I thought who would give her a run for her money. Annoyed!

Best Actor in a TV Series, Drama
Kevin Spacey
(House of Cards)
Clive Owen
(The Knick)
James Spader
(The Blacklist)
Dominic West
(The Affair)
Liev Schreiber
(Ray Donovan)

Fucking yes! Finally

Best TV Series, Musical or Comedy
Orange is the New Black
Jane the Virgin
Silicon Valley

I finally thought they had a chance but I forgot about Transparent which I can honestly say I'm ok that Orange lost to. I haven't seen it but the premise is pretty amazing also props to Amazon. 

Best Actress in a TV Series, Musical or Comedy
Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Edie Falco
(Nurse Jackie)
Gina Rodriguez
(Jane The Virgin)
Lena Dunham
Taylor Schilling
(Orange is the New Black)

I was pleaslntly surprised by this! Although I think that Edie Falco has long been overlooked Gina Rodriguez gave such an emotionally good speech that I was won. 

Best Actor in a TV Series, Musical or Comedy
Don Cheadle
(House of Lies)
William H. Macy
Ricky Gervais
Jeffrey Tambor
Louie C.K.

I had no particular favorite and didn't try and pick anyone would have gone with Cheadle if anything but I think that Tambor was the best choice. 

Best TV Movie or Mini-Series
Olive Kitteridge
The Missing
True Detective
The Normal Heart

Best Actress in a Mini-Series or TV Movie
Jessica Lange
(American Horror Story: Freak Show)
Maggie Gyllenhaal
(The Honorable Woman)
Frances McDormand
(Olive Kitteridge)
Allison Tolman
Frances O'Connor
(The Missing)

Why? Why? Why? Jessica Lange is perfection!

Best Actor in a Mini-Series or TV Movie
Martin Freeman
Matthew McConaughey
(True Detective)
Woody Harrelson
(True Detective)
Billy Bob Thornton
Mark Ruffalo
(The Normal Heart)

The HFPA loves Fargo and they Love Billy Bob Thornton so this was a given.

Best Supporting Actress in a Series, Mini-Series or TV Movie
Kathy Bates
(American Horror Story: Freak Show)
Uzo Aduba
(Orange is the New Black)
Joanne Froggatt
(Downton Abbey)
Michelle Monaghan
(True Detective)
Allison Janney

I always see Joanne or any of the ladies from Downton Abbey up here and I ignore them because even though I think they're fantastic the HFPA is not of the same mindset, I thought Kathy would take it since she took the Emmy or Aduba since it was her second nomination. I was ok being wrong. 

Best Supporting Actor in a Series, Mini-Series or TV Movie
Bill Murray
(Olive Kitteridge)
Jon Voight
(Ray Donovan)
Matt Bomer
(The Normal Heart)
Alan Cumming
(The Good Wife)
Colin Hanks

I wanted him to win so bad! I didn't think he would but he finally did! Let me also say that I am so happy this mini series/tv movie finally won something! I thought it was sadly overlooked! 

Ok thats it for the Golden Globes for this year there was a lot missing from the show! 
Amy Poheler and Tina Fey did not have enough stage time and what they did they kind of failed thanks to the untimley Cosby jokes and Margaret Cho kind of upstaged them. The joke went to far and was way to long. Its sad that they went out like they did. It wasn't as bad as Anne hathaway and James Franco but hey we were all expecting a lot from them. Also there was no in memoriam on the year that we were going to (or supposed to see ) a tribute to two of Hollywood's greatest Robin Williams and Phillip Seymour Hoffman! 
Til next year!