Monday, December 31, 2012

my 2012 thank yous

So it's that time of year again to say thank you to my angels:)
2012 has so far been one of th  better years my family and I have gone thru some 
tough economic times. but I can't really complain I still have a warm bed and  food on the table. my friends help to keep me from going insanely for that I thank them. 

to Barbie/babala_- San/ Salinger/Ba- kun/Satan/ I could keep going: Truly thanks for hanging out and just being you I couldn't ask for a better confidant. Thanks for listening to my crazy shit and rants and for reading all my stories. Thanks for the laughs and the rides to class. I know it's been kinda of crazy tu sabes porque, but it's all fun and without the drama life is too boring, so here my dear to another yr of crazy, round table talks, to another yr of being total movie snobs, ebooks, and chisme, to another yr of drinks and good times. To a couple of new nicknames and to a couple of other good things to come.I wish you the best and just know you truly are the best.

to my wifey/ my boo/baby cakes/Beaelzebub / tootsie/twin: from the moment I laid on eyes on u I knew u were my wife. lol so here's to our 100th yr together May this yr bring many more fists and may we get to have many more laughs. Without you life would be lame, it was your kindness and friendship that got me thru the dark days, you know which ones. You' 've always been there when I needed a friend and  I hope I have reciprocated the  deed. I' m so proud of your accomplishments and I know your gonna get whatever you want soon. so let's ring in the yr to a lot more one for the books to spied conversations. to making Raul say dirty things and to a lot more laughs , shall I count the ways I love thee? say no, I' 'll be here forever. 

to tgif/ fakita/fa- kun/mephistopholes: I know it's been a long year. but through it all you've come out on never let any one tell u otherwise.You are of the nicest honestly caring and decent humans I have ever met! also one of the smartest! so here's a thank you for pushing me in my education and helping me, thanks for riding in the bus for an hour just to see me for 20 min. thanks for opening your home to me and for drunken adventures in ucla. we've been everywhere in L A together and had a lot of deep conversations  your one of the truest and fiercest friends a girl could find. I love you for that and I want u to know.right now it's hard but take this as a fresh start. your free and nothing can hold you back. the finish line is just there so push harder and you' 'll reach it in no time. you deserve happiness always.

BerHilda/ berthizzle/ berfa- San/ :another year has come and gone and though this year has brought some tribulations it has also been the one where I have seen u happiest, and you deserve it. Come May all your efforts shall be  finalized  and rewarded and I shall be there cheering for u amongst the loved ones. so here's to another year of crazy parental unit karaoke dinners, some family feud, more movie hopping with the kiddies. to more ridiculous conversation s that need to be made into status and to more fun and food. You know that when we walk with the Lord everything put in front of us is just another obstacle we can easily surpass with the help of willpower family and friends. To 2013 May it be better than the last.

sniffer/cuca/penguina Malhecha#1/: I have saved the best for last.. you have been my longest friend and even though we don't get to see each other as often as I like I know you and I will always be sisters. I know this year has been hard for you.  I know you've had a lot of responsibilities thrown your way to fast, and now that your going to be a mom things will change. but sniffer I want you to know I will love your baby so much. he will for sure be my nephew and no one can tell me otherwise because we have been thru so much together that we' 're family. I love all of your family and I know you guys love me too. I hope for 2013 that you have a beautiful experience as you enter motherhood. don't fret about the problems with love an  dedication and asking God for help everything will fall into place like it should. I love you sniffer and baby sniff!

thank you that is all:)) 

ps : honorable mention must go to the Chan's... that is ka- chan, le- chan, and ca- Chan. for helping pass french, without you guys it would have been dull and who knows if I would have ever understood the passe compose. see ya'll in French 4!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

The Hobbit : An Unexpected Journey

Ok I have been anticipating this movie since last year around this time. I saw it on Friday and you know what. It wasn't what I expected, hence the title I'm sure. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. Yeah, unexpected for sure. I was anticipating yes some cut off characters but this? this was add-ons, plots and storylines that Peter Jackson said he got from the footnotes of Tolkein himself and the truth is that Jackson has sold his soul to the Hollywood demon. I feel like when Peter Jackson lost the weight he dropped his dignity as well. What ever happened to the man that made LOTR??? Is this his way of converting to Hollywood conformities and conventions? Not all the movie was bad or unexpected I recognized some of the story plots from the book and I was ok with some of the added story lines, because I felt they were nice background to the already told story that is LOTR and the background just affirms what you already know. I didn't however like the aggrandizement of the main character who should be Bilbo but ends up being Thorin Oakenshield. I have further problems with his look, in my head he is a bit older and has a  salt and pepper beard. The problem really is the added sub-plot of the orc Azog the defiler. He really irks me he fucking sucks and ruins it for me. I know, I know there has to be some Hollywood in it, but an albino orc that kills and maims and is the living remainder for one demented Dwarf prince and has stuck an iron claw into his shoulder, bitch please. I'm slightly appeased but would have prefered the movie without the Azog character only because, he is unnecessary  the battle scene in the third movie alone "The battle of the five armies" is going to be sufficient! I will say this to the movies credit, Gollum is fucking awesome in this movie! He is the perfect blend of creepy and cute and then damn near schizophrenic scary and murderous. He is a villain you love. Then there's Martin Freeman's portryal of Bilbo, also genius. Lee Pace as King Thranduil is also pretty awesome, he is sooo mezmerizing in the 5-10 minutes of screen time. Absolutely love it. I will wait for the second one, only because I know it will be epic. However if you are a fan, let me warn you, you will be pissed at Peter Jackson's stupidity.. 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Midnight Banter

I'm listening to the rain fall outside my window and my fingers are itching to type on my now running laptop. So i decide to look back at my almost five years on Blogger. I was fucking stupid. Half of 2008 is misspelled and the other is so high school I want to kick myself in the crotch  Truth there are some insightful moments in those blogs, but the truth one gets better with age. you get wiser, you get smarter and you learn to hide identities. Furthermore I have also seen my progress, so i'm not that whiny anymore, I've grown. Sometimes it takes a little disheveling to grow up and I'm sad thats what it took
So in retrospect I want to see what I've learned this year. I've learned to let love in again and to not be so afraid of my imminent demise. Whatever happens happens and you have to trust that everything is going to be ok. I sometimes get to tense about certain situations and i'm starting to believe I have some control issues but i think that as an adult i can honestly say i need to chill the fuck out. I need to trust myself more, as well as push myself more. I keep making the same mistakes over and over again and I need a change. Sometimes i'm disgusted with myself and sometimes I'm proud of myself. Truth is, like everyone else, I have good days and bad days. 
Also I need to stop the relationship that might be growing between me and a certain engaged gentleman. No i don't have bad grammar but I use Me first, because me is the only one I can control. I need to stop looking for guys ( or at least stop being drawn to them) who have no interest in me. I need to quit it before one of them starts to date one of my friends. I need to look for a guy who likes me. Who says hey thats the kind of girl i usually date. Not she's something so different, so new, so not like what i see. That ends up bad and I'm labeled under friends and wondering what the fuck i did wrong. 
I need to stop posting movie reviews in an effort to make myself look and feel purposeful. I want to be somebody and i want to get things done, so i need to remove my mental blocking. 
Lastly I need to keep my friendships strong, I love them all dearly and I know what its like to lose a friend to words and miss-communications and whats its like to lose to death. And i don't want to lose my friends to any of the reasons. 
Mostly i need to remember, no matter what, Care for thyself, Trust Thyself and Love thyself 

Monday, November 26, 2012

The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games :

An intense mesmerizing novel about the sacrifice of one girl to save her sister.The story is set in the grim futuristic world and now America is called Panem. Katniss Everdeen is the hero and she hails from one of Panem's Districts, District 12. The premise of the story is realy gruesome. In retaliation for thier uprising in the past every District has to provide one male and female under the age of 18 and over the age of 12. They are taken to the Capital and thrown into something they call "The Hunger Games" a death arena where all 24 tributes are pitted against each other and forced to kill. The heroine is not chosen she has in fact taken her sister Prim's place, having volunterred for her makes her an instant hero in a district where no one has ever done that before. Peeta is her male counterpart. Together under the drunken eye of Haymitch they begin to train for the battle ahead. Peeta is in love with Katniss and that is his spiel as they set off to fight the rest of the pack. Now I don't want to divulge to much. But its hard not to soo spoilers ahead. She teams up with Rue the girl from District 11, who teaches her the usage of the Mockingjay, the pin that Katniss wears given to her by Madge the Governor from District 12's daughter. They team up to kill the others and worry about thier impending doom later. However Rue is killed and Katniss inner sanity is broken she stays with Rue until her eyes close and she lays her in flowers and sings her a song. When she leaves Rue she kisses her fingers formed in a three and holds them up to her in an act of respect for her. Unbeknown to her this is the start of a rebellion in District 11. After this incident she is alone and hunted. There she reunites with Peeta who has suffered a wound and is dying. They band together and carry on how much the love for each other spiel. They play the star-struck lovers very well and they make it to the end. The Gamers have said that thier can be two winners if they are from the same District. When they find themselves at the end the Gamers change the rule back to one winner, so Katniss and Peeta decide to eat poisinous berries and the Gamers say they shall be winners. The two become victorious but they have started the ball rolling on something they can not even begin to imagine.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

2013 movie preview

So, my favorite part of going to the movie theatres is actually the previews, there is never a part of me that says hurry up, get to the movie already. In the previews I usually just get more excited. That being said, and the last posts being read, you all know that I've spent time in a theatre and I have to say I am so excited for some of the movies coming out. There are a couple that i'm waiting for like The Hunger Games 2: Catching Fire, Frozen, Percy Jackson 2, Despicable Me 2 ( I realize that after listing 4 teen/childrens movies, I must seem like a teenager but I swear I'm 22, on second hand i realize that makes me look worse but i have a weakness for series and animated films. Pixar anyone?) The Hobbit 2, World War Z and a couple of others but I think I shall take it in stride and inform all of you of what I shall watch this coming year.
Warm Bodies
This movie had the cutest/creepiest teaser trailer. I fell in love with the story and I'm anticipating this. The idea of a love struck zombie, genius. Zombies are the new hottest thing in Hollyhood, (world war z, the walking dead and cult classics shaun of the dead and 28 days later) which is slightly disturbing to know that we have love for things that will definitely eat our brains. 
Finally Sandy B is back and shes in a comedy!!! love it! Melissa McCarthy I'm unsure about because i havent seen her in anything but when I saw this trailer loved everything about it. I love Sandy B and think she is always getting snubbed by the critics when they shouldn't, who didn't love the proposal? Her role of ocd, stick to the rules, fbi agent is right up her alley and the messiness that McCarthy will bring to it will no doubt make it hilarious, the female middle age 21 jumpstreet???

Been looking fwd to this since august. Movie 43 is a whole bunch of raunchy comedyshorts and I'm not sure if it's intertwined but let me tell you. I was watching the trailer and I couln't handle it I laughed so hard and I thought to meself, must watch this, start the year off with a hardy-har-har! The cast for this movie is pretty extensive so chances are one or two of your fave actors/actress are also in the movie. This is going to be scary movie, american pie, every funny movie ever made rolled into and deliverd on a bra. 

Life of Pi

Life of Pi

  • Suraj Sharma as Piscine Molitor Patel (Pi)
  • Irrfan Khan as adult Pi Patel
  • Tabu as Gita Patel,
  • Adil Hussain as Santosh Patel,
  • Gérard Depardieu as the Cook
  • Rafe Spall as the Writer
  • Andrea Di Stefano as the Priest

  • A very slow and religously inclined book that makes you kind of crazy in its lethargic nature to tell you the story about a boy on a boat with an adult male Bengal Tiger named Richard Parker. Set in three different countries, this stories only problem is the begining. I literally had to force myself to read the first part without throwing it at times. It's not so much his religious nature but that he wants to be all religons and he tells it an too deep emotional way. Then we get to the story where he and Richard Parker cruise the Pacific Ocean for 227 together. This is the stroy as told by the main character to the journalist who has tracked him down from Pondicherry to Canada. The end however is so amazing and beautiful you forgive the begining of the book. Maybe most people knew how it was going to end, but i honeslty didn't, not even for a second think it was going to terminate in a tornado of emotion. I know  a book about a kid stuck in the middle of nowhere is sooo Robinson Cruesoe but it still wasnt so bad.
    Now the movie i can happily say stuck very close to the book. They added one character and I was glad that they didn't show any more religous scenes then were necessary. That being said, the story was even more beautiful painted and directed by the great Ang Lee (ignoring the 2003 rendition of "the Hulk"). It was visually stunning, the colors so bright i had to shield my eyes. I think they got a little crazy with the glow in the dark paint but it was otherwise a very good movie and with the exception of some ommisions I was in general pleased. Can anyone say Oscar Nomination?

    Saturday, November 24, 2012

    Rise of the Guardians

    Rise of the Guardians

  • Chris Pine as Jack Frost,
  • Jude Law as Pitch (The Boogeyman)
  • Alec Baldwin as North (Santa Claus)
  • Hugh Jackman as E.Aster Bunnymund (Easter Bunny)
  • Isla Fisher as Tooth (Tooth Fairy)

  • This movie was not as cute as Wreck-It-Ralph but it was still adorable. It was a story about all the legends of holidays and how they are going to not only select a new guardian to help them fight the coming of the bogeyman but also to continue having the children believe in them. It was one of those classic keep children believing in fairy tales hookum but it did the trick it was adorable and entertaining, it was no match for the giant that is Disney but it was fun. The elves were a particularly funny added touch. Not to mention crazy angry Santa was too much =]

    Anna Karenina

    I know i mentioned early on this yr about reading Anna Karenina and I finished it some time ago and havent written a review for it so here goes.  Anna Karenina is baisically a romantiticized retelling of highborn russians. The story begins with Dolly and Oblonsky in a problem and little by little the story traps you and engrossed you in the lives of these noble Russians and their day to day lives.. Told in a way were you rapidly decide which character you sympathize with and which one you just down right hate Tolstoy also did some not so hidden self-reflecting. I can only hope that the movie is or shall be half as good as the book. I have nt wanted to read a book and been prolonging the end Since Lotr. I reccomend that people read it if they like to read. It's pretty fast paced and the Anna and Vronsky chapters and most people will want to quit by chapter 5 but I urge you to keep reading till 6 and 7 is amazing. The culmination of this book is only satisfying in the sense you feel like you know them enough to know let them all live in peace.

    Breaking Dawn Part : way too fucking many

    Before you all say anything I was forced to watch this... i hate my life.

    Breaking Dawn Part 2

  • Kristen Stewart as Bella Cullen
  • Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen
  • Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black
  • Mackenzie Foy as Renesmee Cullen
  • Ashley Greene as Alice Cullen
  • Maggie Grace as Irina
  • Michael Sheen as Aro
  • Peter Facinelli as Carlisle Cullen
  • Elizabeth Reaser as Esme Cullen
  • Jackson Rathbone as Jasper Hale
  • Nikki Reed as Rosalie Hale
  • Kellan Lutz as Emmett Cullen
  • Jamie Campbell Bower as Caius
  • Dakota Fanning as Jane
  • Christopher Heyerdahl as Marcus
  • Billy Burke as Charlie Swan

  • For a twihater like myself this was fucking ridiculous.. this one girl is a vampire but she wasnt and then like she gets some weird roman vampires pissed so they have to take a stand and then there is a huge war but wait its a fucking vision and the reason they are fighting is this tiny lttle girl who grows at the speed of light but who's already been promised to someone form birth. This is just fucking ridoncs. Let me tell you something, I gave twilight a chance in high school. I read the first book and the second because the first one, I thought oh she'll (Stephnie Meyer) get better with time. I was sorely dissapointed and then the same person who made me watch the first one made me watch the last one... the same fucking thing I was litterally annoyed and bored out of my mind. This time i took my little brother and he made me laugh my fucking head of so while everyone else was sad or pissed i was dying of laughter at my 7 yr old bros faces.. I pissed of my friend and i felt my life was complete, fucking make me watch kristen stewart act i'd take Lindsay Lohan in "I know who killed me" any day over that.... Don't fucking watch this crap. Its all a fucking joke, even the actual movies end is a fucking joke. Added, Michael Sheen is a joke as a vampire he looks fucking ridiculous, stick to the Underworld Series, he makes a far better werewolf.



  • Daniel Craig as James Bond
  • Judi Dench as M
  • Javier Bardem as Raoul
  • Ralph Fiennes as Gareth Mallory
  • Naomie Harris as Eve Moneypenny
  • Bérénice Lim Marlohe as Sévérine

  • This is another Bond, James Bond. story, I've actually never seen a Bond movie all the way thru til now. This was a predciatable Bond movie. He dies, revives, fucks a girl, gets an assignment after much debating wether he wants to do it again knowing full well he loves his job. Then he has a weird tiff with M who seems to be masochistic cuz she likes it, then he goes kills the villan but wait the villans alive and then he rescues a girl and saves the day. Did I miss anything? Oh yeah he fucks two girls per film right. Well it was Bond executed but the thing that really saved this movie. Javier Bardeem and another horrible hairdo. The first 30 min of the film are all about how to get to the villian. Oh sidenote the first 5 minutes are Adele's melodic voice singing the Bond theme and tell me when did movies decided to open with muic videos? I mean the girl with the dragon tattoo (american verison) did it ... another Daniel Craig movie.. maybe its Daniel Craig? Well anyways the movie is kind of boring (don't kill me 007 fans) till Javier Bardeem as Raoul Silva makes his entrance wearing a ridiculous blonde hairdo and sporting a little gay in his step and well all over mannerism. He's kind of a super smart, traumatized, psychopath you can't help but like until he starts killing. Kind of a lighter, no make-up wearing joker. He's the reason this movie worked honestly, it was getting boring and depressing. I'm kind of sad I paid for this movie when I know it'll be on syfy or fx in like a year along with its counterparts. However it was entertaining and watching the faces on the Bond wannabes next to me was pretty fun.

    Friday, November 23, 2012



  • John C. Reilly as Wreck-It Ralph
  • Sarah Silverman as Vanellope von Schweetz,
  • Jack McBrayer as Fix-It Felix, Jr.,
  • Jane Lynch as Sergeant Tamora Jean Calhoun,
  • Alan Tudyk as King Candy

  • Welcome to video game nerd-isms at thier cutest! I saw the preview for this movie sometime this year and I couldnt wait for it to come out. Im a sucker for animated films especially Disney ones. This one was no exception and it succeded my expectations. The story is about a villan from an arcade game who wants to be the hero or at least be treated like a hero in his game. Fix-it Felix, is nicer than his fellow neighbors but still does nothing to help the wounded Ralph. So Ralph decides to do something about it. Thats when things get messy he travels to two different games and messes with the systems. Upon coming to the game Sugar Rush he meets the heroine Vanellope von Schweetz and the begin an unconvential tryst, a you scratch my back I scratch yours sort of thing. The movie was really good and I couldn't help it I was very into the movie and it the reason it worked was because the Disney formula, adapted by the geniues over at Pixar, is unfailable. It had heart, motivation and just enough comedy and trauma to get you hooked, at roughly and hr and 35 min (maybe more) it keept me glued to my seat and watching. I never once thought .. Bored!  Watch it if you have kids or if like me you have a weakness for animated movies.

    Wednesday, November 7, 2012

    Day 45: The Artist

    Firstly, i know i said I would someday finish this and i've decided to give myself all year.. This is this years winner for best picture of the year. I watched it today with Salinger and I'm pleased to say it was sort of like watching that one cop movie of whose name i've already forgotten.

    The Artist :2012

    I watched this today with Salinger and it was he fourth time I had checked this movie out. I was sooo not in the mood to watch this shit. I really wasn't but Salinger said I must and so I did, and at first I was let down. I was really upset that the beginning of the film was so slow. Then it started to pick up momentum and some of the parts I really loved, mostly the scenes with Uggie the dog. To be honest this is like watching a reverse version of Sunset Blvd. Excpet in a comedy and less bent on revenge. Granted it had a spetacular score and granted it was cute it still didn't have the same charisma for me that Silent Films evoked in people. It was kind of a paradoy of the silent film and that was sad. Furthermore i was bothered by thee screen cards. The ones where they tell you what they say. If I hadn't been good at reading lips I would have been lost a couple of times. However the story gets it done, your drawn into the life of the Artist. One thing that bothered me to no end was the female characters name the main lead, Peppy.. REALLY? Peppy! I'm pretty sure there are other names for fmales of the 20 that are less ridiculous and obvioulsy ripped from Betty Boop! *sigh* Watch it if you want to see what all the hoopla is about, or because your curious, if you don't like silent films forget this, just skip. Skip!

    Wednesday, October 17, 2012


    Yesterday one of my biffles called me to tell me her sisters life long best friend died. I had briefly met him when we had all gone to Disneyland together about two to three years back. Actually he was the one that got us the tickets. Well anyway he took me along and sooner rather than later, i felt at home sitting in a car with practically total strangers. I only knew my biffle and her sister and even then i barely knew her. Charlie made me feel right at home and he was so nice. i was sad when they dropped me off, because i knew i wouldn't see him, unless they *my biffles family* had a huge party  or other social event. I didn't even facebook him which sounds ridics but maybe i should have i don't know. About a month ago my friend told me that he wasn't doing so good and that he was on his deathbed. i can't explain it to you but it made me super sad i almost wanted to cry. yesterday she called me crying and said he was dead. again i wanted to cry and this time i did. I shed a few tears and then i pondered why did this make me sad. I didn't even cry when my uncle died in January  however i figured it out quick. Last august was  my little godbrother Ralf's 1st anniversary of death. i had spent weeks in the families home preparing for the event and when i was finally at home i was a mess. i wanted to be home, i wanted to cry all the time and i swear death was all around me. It was the aftereffects of the week. i wish i had cried more, i think i would have felt the impact less. So as i was messaging back and forth with my friends sister she said "You have no idea what it feels like to lose your friend" i didn't say so but the truth is i do. Ralfie was my friend, my brother, my cousin. he was like family to me. And when he died i didn't know how to react so i kept busy and i would cry in public places when i would see a funny picture and think i should text it to him and then remembered i would get no reply. i would cry whenever "Someone like you" by Adele played (and sadly it played a lot) because that's the song i fell asleep to it the night he died, crying and feeling abandoned. It was hard, and im sure it would have been harder if he had died in a painful way, but i thank god he was merciful and took him at his greatest hour. i didn't want to write the day of his anniversary because i thought i could avoid  it. i couldn't because here i am almost exactly 2 months later and writing about him. i miss him today more than i did yesterday. Everyday i grow more at peace with the idea of him being gone but it doesnt mean that he isnt gone. it means i miss him more as time goes by. i did  however fix the whole crying in public places thing. i don't cry when i see his face or when i speak of him. i still light a candle for him every 13th of the month and i still keep him in my prayers. i don't think that'll ever change. So today when someone i care about lost thier best friend, i know it sounds selfish, but i remembered the day i found out ralfie was dead. It just hurt and it felt kind of when you pick a scab. But scabs heel and your skin grows a little tougher and im hoping thats whats gonna happen. so rest in peace Charlie you were an excellent human being and i know your in a better place. Ralfie, what else can i say to i havent already? I miss you , i know your up there watching down on me and everyone you care about. i love you giraffa petacon... tu pinguina malhecha=]

    Wednesday, October 10, 2012

    living the deranged vertically challenged life.

    I'm at home and maybe its because I'm listening to Lana del Rey or the sky is overcast and it makes me sentimental. Maybe it's because I'm on my period or the knowledge that in a month I will reach the age where no one really counts birthdays any longer. I don't know but I want to cry. I want to cry because i didn't fulfill all the goals i had set up for myself when i was 18. I know and people tell me all the time that its ok to be where i am. But i don't fell that way. It makes me feel worse in fact, truth is at my age i wanted to have my bachelors, i wanted to have a job, i wanted my driver's license, and i wanted a boyfriend. Thats what me at 18 would have told you that i wanted that i was going to achieve. Yet here i am, i'm not finished with school and to top it off, i'm not being held back because i can't get my shit together it's mostly only because i can't get one class finished! Math! its frustrating to know that i could be at a university already, well could have two years ago and because of this subject i havent been accepted is just heartbreaking. then there's that job shit, i've applied to twenty places and no one will hire me. i had a job in the summer that i loved and i wish i still worked there but it was seasonal. I wish i had a source of income and i hate feeling like a leech. i also hate being without money. The juxtaposition of these places irks me and i can't seem to do anything about it. I hate talking to people who make things happen for themselves because i feel bad i can't be like them. In short i kind of hate being me sometimes. mostly when it's about the job search shit. Is there no one that will hire a tri-lingual intellectual? you'd think right? yeah nope. Then there's the driver's license which is probably the last thing i worry about mainly because theres so much other shit i need to worry about. And i know how to drive, it's not like i can't i just haven't gotten my license. However it just reminds me of how ridiculous it is when in LA the car capital of the world, (seriously its so fucking necessary out here) i don't actually have it. Ah that leaves me with the boyfriend front. I die, so everyone of my friends call me unproductive on that front until last yr where they said too much productiveness and with the wrong dude so to hell with it. i do want a man, but finding someone that fits me is harder than it seems. I cant just date someone who i will have to keep a world separate from my family or friends. I've had my friends do it, it's just too complicated. i want a guy, a mr.right now that will just fit in with my lifestyle. i won't change my life for someone until i know they are worth the change. i want him to like my friends, to be able to hang out together and he has to understand that i'm family first everything else after. i don't want a guy who is always with his friends and never knows when not to bring them or invite them. My friends says that im just too picky, maybe i am but i just dont want to date a guy who is so full of shit he'll bring me down, i just dont deal with bullshit, i know what i like i just wish i knew how to attain it. Maybe im too lazy to chase what i really want, i don't know why i stop myself, i dont know how to take emotional risks, im not good at it, and  so i never do. Unless your wearing a sign that says Hi I'm into you, you might as well shake my hand and call me your friend. it took me years to figure out that this one dude liked me and not only passively but aggresivley, i don't like to toot my horn but it's true and that took me years, btw he wore the sign: Hi i'm hard for you, that aggresive. Today i was in French and for the first time in a long time i saw how pointless it all is. The carreer i've chosen the idea of taking French 3 because i want a certificate not because i need it. Maybe it's because im taking it and so far i understand very little and its getting harder and i don't know how to deal with harder? Maybe its because i'm also taking math and it exasperates me to worlds end and the one thing i thought i would understand has become literally foreign to me. Whatever it is i want to cry but i won't because it's too easy to just cry. it'll give me a headache make my eyes puffy and i wish i could be like one of those people who cry and look the same afterwards but im like a crimescene so i wont i have to wait till im in bed or in the shower. Today im depressed tomorrow i'll be ok.. in fact tomorrow i'll be great but today i just want to cry.

    Tuesday, October 9, 2012


    Have i ever mentioned how much i abhor October? No well then here it is i have a hate and love relatioship with October, for the sole reason that everyone i know was baisically born in October!!! It is exhausting for both myself and my wallet to buy presents as if it was christmas.
    However i will say this, an ode to October:
    Oh October with your semi-menopausal weather
    with your sweet scented air and gray skies
    how i hate and therefore love thee.
    You inotxicate me with your tinge of winter's promise
    you wrap in a frenzy and ignite my inner fire
    Autumns baby, you celebrate the
    advent of the terror and the horror
    of fabricated Hollywood lies.
    You demonstrate to me your limited powers
    with the defecation of yellowing leaves
    on the streets i wander..
    oh october you asshole
    or shall i say you lucky bastard
    you who were unwillingly chosen to
    be the crowning glory for expectant mothers
    and who in turn broke my bank
    i hate and therefore love you
    Im antsy leave me alone

    Thursday, September 27, 2012

    End of Watch

    This movie was freaking spectacular. I went this weekend with my biffle and another friend. First of I didn’t want to see this movie because I don’t generally like cop movies or shoddy shot movies. But I was outnumbered and we went to watch it. It was with sadness I let go of my credit card to pay for it. However once the movie started it got interesting fast. The movies premise is about to cops who are more than just partners. They are friends and brothers, a bromance! The story centers around how these two guys unintentionally end up pissing off the Mexican cartel’s head honcho. The story mostly takes place in the ghetto’s of LA, mainly south central and east la. The movie really takes you by surprise at how funny it is. I expected all thriller and action with little jeers. I was unprepared for the funny that comes from the fusion of Michael Pena and Jake Gyllenhal. By the end of the movie I was so devastated and I was crying like a baby and I know I wasn’t the only one. My whole row was sniffling and the theatre was silent. This movie was like watching Rachel Getting Married… you can only watch it once because the emotion is so powerful! I don’t think I’d have the heart to watch it again, but definitely one to check out.

    Sunday, September 23, 2012

    Emmys 2012

    TV's biggest night! Well my dear blog readers it is Thanksgiving in Hollywood right now. We have just celebrated teh acolades of the tube's biggest moneymakers. The big winners of the night of course being Homeland for best Drama Series and Modern Family for best Comedy Series. These and many more you can look for yourselves up on wiki or abc emmy shmemmy info if you like. My job is to tell everyone of the calamitys and the spark of genius brought to you by dress makers around the world and the celebrities who deign to don.

    This year i'm going to do four for the emmys becasuse i feel that they were all so well dressed. Plus I am really digging the color pallette.. Finally Burgundy is getting the recognition it deserves.. And the blues it is now no longer only navy's that are getting noticced but the icy tones as well. Btw, icy blues were a huge hit today not only for evoking that wonderfully ice princess tone, but because today it was 101 degrees in LA . I was sweating more than a fat women in a southern state! It was caliente

    As per usual I'm going to start with the best dressed.

    Lucy Liu

    This is probably one of my alltime favorite looks .. ever! This is very similar to the Jessie J dress worn in this year's grammy awards. I love this dress cuz it looks supple but it's more like armour (seeing as how it;s made out of metal) I love the corseted bodice and the shiny applique to keep it in check so to speak with the rest of the gown. I love Lucy Liu but don't always share her fashion sense, but I think that for someone who wasn't going as a nominee or presenter (I'm not actually sure why she was there) she looked phenomenal!

    Julianne Hough

    Ryan Seacrest is telling all his buddies, " yeah that's what I'm going home too." This girl is gorgeous, I mentioned icy blues were fantastic and this is more aquamarine icy than blue but it's downright gorgeous. I love that it's tight at the top and then simply with construction til the very end where it has a feather/tassle effect. I'm not actually a fan of mermaid dresses, but I feel like if you have to do mermaid this is the way to do it. Not too tight in at the knees and no bunching! Her hair is cute too and she's so damn pretty anything would look good on her but this, this is a awesome dress!

    Tina Fey
    Love this look on Tina Fey, she always chooses too wear black or  a more subded color like navy or deep forest green. Well Tina, welcome to the world of burgundy, plum and wine! I love this on her and my favorite part is the tiny applique of black and gold bodice underneath! So genius! Plus this dress doesn't hang on her and shows of how stunning she looks and those earrings Perfection! Love this Lots! It would have been my fave but I had issus with the back so beh, but do love this alot!
    Kelly Osbourne
    Firstly let me tell you I love Kelly! I watch Fashion Police and i have to admit that sometimes i believe she is wrong but mostly i love her. This for me is a beautiful gown on her and for being a comentator i felt like she outdid some of the nominees for the night and thats why she has to be my fave of the night! Granted her dress matches her hair, but I do believe that she has never looked better and that it's only a matter of time before she starts her own clothing line.
    now ladies and gentlemen comes the darker part of my tirade... The Worst Dressed List!
    Christina Hendricks
    Now this girl is gorgeous no doubt but this dress just fucking drives me nuts. She could have chosen anything else and she chooses the one thing that looks like shit! Why? There are three major problems with this dress. 1. It is ill fitting. Yes believe it is see the bunching in the abdomen area, where you'd think she'd prefer to have flat and smooth? Look how gigantic her hips look because the material seems to be beyond stretched! 2.The color definetly washes her out. Ivory with old ivory does not make you pop it makes you look like a faded flower and she is sooo not that! She has worn red, green which are  natural colors for her hair and skin tone and I feel like she should stick to the that recipe. It works. 3. The style of the dress really, really and I mean really irks me. I feel like the designer saw a trench coat and said "ohh lets make a dress out of that" I mean a belt like that really? The mermaid flair necessary? Hell to the muthafucking nooo! This is a fucking hot mess, Christina you can do better! You must do better!
    Julianne Margolis
    I don't know much about her except she won last  year  for best actress and that Chris Noth is her co star! S'bout it. But I do feel the intense hate for this dress.. holy hell did her stylist die? Was she physically unable to leave her house? Because thats the only explanation for this biznatch to go ahead and sew up her grandma's quilt, belt it, put a petticoat underneath and call it a dress! What the hell was she thinking, there's floral and then there's the secret garden print! This is Secret Garden, and thats why it should be kept secret!!!!!!!! Ughhayyayyayayay! Sometimes I watch and wonder does this look better in the sun? Does it just not photograph well? What is the reason behind the madness. As a nominee she could have chosen any other dress, why this why? Get a stylist girl!
    Lena Dunham
    This girl is said to be the next Carrie Bradshaw. And I'm sorry to say Carrie is sorely dissapointed in her looks. I know she txtd me saying this was hell to the eye. But i txtd back and said "yo, chill girl is her first time".. Now that Len has popped her cherry on the red carpet, lets hope her style evolves, because this little girl gone old age look is not working for her. She doesn't have to show skin to look good. She just has to clean this up. The sleeves shorter the skirt less wide. The lace makes her look heavy and ughh.. why don't they know how to dress for thier bodies? Why? I am liking the new hair do though!
    Ginnifer Goodwin
    I like her sort of.. Well she kind of annoys me, but what is bothering me the most is that damn dress. Holy hell it's orange and crochet! Halloween ain't here yet! I have issues with the dress mainly becaus eof the color and the way it's made hate Crochet and orange omg puke! And the top is all wrong if your gonna make it that icky please show some top skin, it covers everything it's like orange yarn has eaten you whole! Definelty not feeling this dress..
    Well ladies and gents tis my rant for the day.. and this is the finally award show of the year.. so till next year ta-ta for now=]
    -Fashionista outskies!

    Thursday, September 20, 2012

    Winter Movie Extraveganza!

    So it feels like a meeting with the ex you still love. .... I'm back on blogger and have loads too say but for the moment I want to focus on the thing that as of now is holding all my attention..

    Winter Movie Extravaganza...
    I remember posting something about the Hobbit sometime in early Feb or late Jan. I have been waiting for the Hobbit to made into a movie for about 7 years when the last LOTR film was made. Well last night I saw the sneak preview on E! (good I love that channel) and it was glorious.

    Here's a pic of the movie poster

    If you are not at akll related on the subject of the LOTR series it is OK ,becasue the Hobbit is the fun version of LOTR, not so serious or dramatic and no end of the world crisis. This book was my favorite from the LOTR series because it was an adventure and fantasy... it was great. 

    Another movie i have been expecting for about well since the beginining of the year is "The perks of being a wallflower" it is a sweet book about the real life drama of growing up and it just.. ughh... it just made me want to go back to high school and be in a Rocky Horror Picture Show re-enactment. This is the movie that is going to kick start the winter movie fest ... so excited

    Following the movie above will be the story of the whoretastic Anna Karenina, now i'm very happy about this movie because I'm loving the story. It is beacause i saw the trailer for this movie that i decided to read the book which is long but worth it. Plus I love Keira Knightly, that skinny bitch is amazing in period pieces. (As Salinger and I have discussed) I'm also thinking this movie might be a musical or some dance extravaganza  or artsy fartsy, because the trailer, which I also saw on E, has some intresting elements on it. Well looking fwd to it and of course shall post about it lates.
    And now for the piece de resistance! Les Miserables, the renowned muscial is making its debut in a couple of months and the antici-anticipation is killing me and murdering Salinger. The film starring Hugh Jackman, Anne Hathaway, Russel Crowe and Amanda Seyfried is sure to be a bonafide hit and i heard some of the singing it was just fantastic! I haven't finished the book because it's about a hundered pages longer than anna karenina but the story, I feel just doesn't flow as fast? Its a beautiful story, dont get me wrong but not as easy to read perhaps? Anyway I'm so going to finish it and watch this fabulous-ness
    These are all books as most of you are aware and I've read two almost three of the movies on the list and I hope I will not be dissapointed by the outcome of any of the three.
    *Crosses Fingers*

    Tuesday, May 29, 2012


    Over the course of my life i have gathered (as most everyone does) a couple of people who really wouldnt care if i was alive or dead. I can count these people on one hand. Name 1 and Name 2. I don't know why they hate me, but i have a good idea. Now there are those that hate me by association, and that, well that can't be helped. Name 3, Name 4 and Name 5. See i protect my friends and as a result i get backlash, but like i said i don't care. Hate is an emotion generated by an intense feeling toward another individual perpetrated by an absence is therefore substituted into an enraged anger. Now having said that, I also want to say that Name's 1,2 and 3 all loved me or wanted me at some point. I ain't calling myself a player, just stating a fact. Name 3 and 4 well they loved or wanted a friend. The friend loved me (nothing sexual) but intense closeness is coveted to the Name's.... I don't like drama, i don't like to argue i like everyone to be at peace and just enjoy the things others take for granted, but no one fucks with me. I've been to hell and back, and i will cut you if hurt my happiness or others. ... SOoo here's what i think on girl's or guys, people who stalk.
     You are vengeful and pathetic, you have little regard for anything that is of consequence and your self -esteem is so low you don't even know what pride feels like any more. You lack love, emotional support and true friends. I pity you, i do not hate you, but i do pity you and the envy you carry like a gigantic shield. I can't begin to explain how sad it is, to watch you degrade into the slimiest worm, when you pretend to be so high and mighty above everyone. You think revenge is a solution and you hack and you make life hard, but karma's a bitch and it will bite you in the ass so hard, you won't feel it's sting until your in a hole so deep, you can't breathe.  You haven't grown out of your backwards ass high school mentality and you graduated half a decade ago. your still a child and you lack growth and thats prolly why you have some stupid ass friends.  I wish you luck in your miserable life, because at the end of the day when your done pretending ,you cry yourself to sleep or wake up drenched in sweat the nightmare still in your head and you don't know why, you know you did wrong. While i remain a fixture of your ever present hate because you can't move on with your life, you'll be a forgotten memory in mine and well i just won't remember your name.
    So do either of two things. 1. Leave me the fuck alone and try to move on with your life. Get over whatever it is you have a problem with and think about your future happiness. or 2. continue fucking with me, but know this, i don't do revenge, but i do get justice one way or another. Karma's a bitch motherfucker=]

    Tuesday, May 22, 2012


    Mathematicians lack one thing: an understading of the immense lack of amount in logic.
    Everybody else lacks: logic.
    Its that simple. In a school of 1000 students only a qaurter of that number will follow along with what the teacher/professors are saying.
    I wish i could be the 25% ...
    I hate that i don't understand math ...

    Tuesday, April 24, 2012

    The truth

    i lost my usb, well i lost it and it got stolen, i left it on a computer when i came back it was gone. Point i had like all the movies on there so going to take longer to post.
    i hate this challenge sometimes,, some of these movies are fucking pointless.. Midnight Cowboy.... some are annoying, ...: Braveheart... some i actually like, i also happen to own some.. point is grr.. im really over this, but will sadly see it thru.
    i felt odd when he hugged me today, i didn't feel right and a feeling of distress took over.
     i've lost my keys and i just farted
     i just bought three awesome t-shirts
    i have the world s greatest friends.

    Tuesday, April 10, 2012

    Day 44: Crash

    Crash: 2006: Winner of the 78th Academy Awards


    Don Cheadle

    Sandra Bullock

    Matt Dillon

    Jennifer Esposito

    Michael Peña

    Brendan Fraser

    Chris "Ludacris" Bridges

    Terrence Howard

    Ryan Phillippe

    Larenz Tate

    Thandie Newton

    A series of interconnected lives through transparent means seem to be the leading basis for this movie. However this movie is more than just about how interconnected these lives are, but mostly about Human relationships and how society has ruined perfectly natural tendencies to just want to live in Harmony. Although one could argue that human nature also wants to feel pride and that’s where boundaries come in , but nevertheless this movie was great. I watched it on the television and the scene where the Hispanic father is saved by his 5 yr old daughter, made me cry so much I couldn’t stop. Imagine here’s a guy who’s had it rough, and he is being punished by this man because of his race, that was so riveting. I love this movie and even though Sandra Bullock was a downright git in this movie I totally loved her. Furthermore the small ironies of life where the guy who was abusing one person ended up saving her life that was so real. I was very happy when I saw them win and I felt that they truly deserved it. I don’t know if it’s just me but the seem to get better as they progress toward a better future in film. The turn of the century movie that started it “Dances with Wolves”. Crash really is a good movie with an unbelievable cast and maybe I love it all that more because one of the movies other star is my hometown of Los Angeles.

    It also won awards for:

    Best Editing: Hughes Winborne

    Best Screenplay – Original Paul Haggis & Robert Moresco

    Day 43: My Fair Lady

    My Fair Lady: 1965: Winner of the 37th Academy Award


    Rex Harrison as Professor Henry Higgins

    Audrey Hepburn (Marni Nixon, singing) as Eliza Doolittle

    Stanley Holloway as Alfred P. Doolittle

    Wilfrid Hyde-White as Colonel Hugh Pickering

    Gladys Cooper as Mrs. Higgins

    Jeremy Brett (Bill Shirley, singing) as Freddy Eynsford-Hill

    Theodore Bikel as Zoltan Karpathy

    Mona Washbourne as Mrs. Pearce, Higgins' housekeeper

    Isobel Elsom as Mrs. Eynsford-Hill

    John Holland as Butler
    From the memorable first scene where Eliza is selling little peonies for men’s coats to the last scene. My fair lady is the utmost example of Cinderella. Eliza has nothing in the world, the gentleman has too much money and too much time , so he bets he can make Eliza a woman and not some bedraggled forgotten girl selling flowers. Her transformation is astonishing but so is the process behind the scenes. He begins to love this creature he has created, love her because even though she has become a lady she is still Eliza but like a mature version now. This movie made me love Audrey Hepburn. Audrey is good example of someone going from a rough and tumble beginning and ending at the top of the ranks despite all odds. The rags to riches story that e all hear off and secretly dream of. Hollywood has this ideal close to heart because any movie with that premise and with the right actors are almost guaranteed an Oscar. For example, “Million Dollar Baby” “Rocky” and “Gi-Gi” to some extent are movies that have one on that premise with some boxing thrown in. I like this movie and it has been on my to get list for quite some time. If you love Audrey Hepburn you will love this, and who doesn’t love Audrey Hepburn?

    It also won awards for;

    Academy Award for Directing - George Cukor

    Academy Award for Best Actor - Rex Harrison

    Academy Award for Best Cinematography - Harry Stradling

    Academy Award for Sound - George R. Groves, Warner Brothers Studio

    Academy Award for Original Music Score - Andre Previn

    Academy Award for Best Art Direction - Gene Allen, Cecil Beaton and George James Hopkins

    Academy Award for Costume Design - Cecil Beaton